Shokai's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2252,025event_emitterRuby port of EventEmitter from Node.js
23,4813,334ImageResizeSimple image resize library without external program.
310,3707, API Wrapper
412,85811,420twCUI Twitter Client.
513,20615,092arduino_firmataArduino Firmata protocol ( implementation on Ruby.
614,20255,996sinatra-cometioComet component for Sinatra RocketIO
716,21813, simple ruby client for Node.js's Socket.IO v1.1.x, Supports only WebSocket.
816,54355,996sinatra-websocketioWebSocket component for Sinatra RocketIO
916,83522,882args_parserParse/Filter/Validate ARGV from command line with DSL.
1021,29334,164babascriptBabaScript is a script launguage which runs on @takumibaba
1121,40455,996sinatra-rocketioWebSocket/Comet IO plugin for Sinatra
1225,48255,996skypeSkype Desktop API Ruby wrapper for Mac/Linux.
1325,96855,996sinatra-rocketio-lindaLinda implementation on Sinatra RocketIO
1426,24212,403wav-fileRead wav file format and Edit data chunk.
1526,90030,469ArgsParser* Parse args from command line.
1637,91655,996em-cometio-clientSinatra CometIO client for eventmachine
1738,86540,399hugeurlexpand tinyurl,, and more.
1840,12655,996irkitIRKit Client for Ruby
1941,94540,399im-kayacpost message
2043,42155,996kuro-rscontrol KURO-RS (, PC-OP-RS1 (ht...
2145,51555,996sfc_ikiterucheck status of Keio Univ SFC.
2246,82555,996gyazz-markupconvert syntax to HTML.
2347,58455,996sinatra-auto-reloadSinatra Auto Reloader automatically reload your browser when you save code/html/js/images
2450,21040,399sinatra-multi-screenSinatra Plugin for Multi-Screen Application.
2550,74355,996em-rocketio-clientSinatra RocketIO client for eventmachine
2651,14155,996em-rocketio-linda-clientRocketIO Linda client for eventmachine
2751,58225,763arduino_ir_remoteThis Rubygem provides a wrapper for IR-Learning-Remote that has been built using the Ar...
2852,19740,399tiqavruby wrapper for
2952,54924,171wifi_locationGet your location with WiFi Mac Address and GoogleMap.
3052,64755,996tmp_cacheon memory cache
3160,42755,996serialport-serverSerialPort Server makes your Device (Arduino, mbed...) WebServer.
3262,11555,996lindaTuple and TupleSpace implementation of Linda - coordinational language for parallel pro...
3367,37740,399em-websocketio-clientSinatra WebSocketIO client for eventmachine
3472,10455,996leapmotionLeapMotion WebSocket wrapper for Ruby
3575,09355, client for Ruby
3676,88555,996shinagawaseasideadd rake tasks they start/stop tokyo tyrant server
3785,70055,996nowhenTagger for Life Log
3891,00955,996bowlBowl is a Mac/Linux controller for your Application.
40117,95355,996goldfishrubygem for client of GoldFish ( and POI (https://gi...
41127,66555,996quicktime-player-maccontrol QuickTime Player on Mac.