1 | 2,225 | 2,025 | event_emitter | Ruby port of EventEmitter from Node.js |
2 | 3,481 | 3,334 | ImageResize | Simple image resize library without external program. |
3 | 10,370 | 7,999 | gyazo | Gyazo.com API Wrapper |
4 | 12,858 | 11,420 | tw | CUI Twitter Client. |
5 | 13,206 | 15,092 | arduino_firmata | Arduino Firmata protocol (http://firmata.org) implementation on Ruby. |
6 | 14,202 | 55,996 | sinatra-cometio | Comet component for Sinatra RocketIO |
7 | 16,218 | 13,501 | socket.io-client-simple | A simple ruby client for Node.js's Socket.IO v1.1.x, Supports only WebSocket. |
8 | 16,543 | 55,996 | sinatra-websocketio | WebSocket component for Sinatra RocketIO |
9 | 16,835 | 22,882 | args_parser | Parse/Filter/Validate ARGV from command line with DSL. |
10 | 21,293 | 34,164 | babascript | BabaScript is a script launguage which runs on @takumibaba |
11 | 21,404 | 55,996 | sinatra-rocketio | WebSocket/Comet IO plugin for Sinatra |
12 | 25,482 | 55,996 | skype | Skype Desktop API Ruby wrapper for Mac/Linux. |
13 | 25,968 | 55,996 | sinatra-rocketio-linda | Linda implementation on Sinatra RocketIO |
14 | 26,242 | 12,403 | wav-file | Read wav file format and Edit data chunk. |
15 | 26,900 | 30,469 | ArgsParser | * Parse args from command line. |
16 | 37,916 | 55,996 | em-cometio-client | Sinatra CometIO client for eventmachine |
17 | 38,865 | 40,399 | hugeurl | expand tinyurl, bit.ly, t.co and more. |
18 | 40,126 | 55,996 | irkit | IRKit Client for Ruby |
19 | 41,945 | 40,399 | im-kayac | post message http://im.kayac.com |
20 | 43,421 | 55,996 | kuro-rs | control KURO-RS (http://www.kuroutoshikou.com/modules/display/?iid=928), PC-OP-RS1 (ht... |
21 | 45,515 | 55,996 | sfc_ikiteru | check status of Keio Univ SFC. |
22 | 46,825 | 55,996 | gyazz-markup | convert Gyazz.com syntax to HTML. |
23 | 47,584 | 55,996 | sinatra-auto-reload | Sinatra Auto Reloader automatically reload your browser when you save code/html/js/images |
24 | 50,210 | 40,399 | sinatra-multi-screen | Sinatra Plugin for Multi-Screen Application. |
25 | 50,743 | 55,996 | em-rocketio-client | Sinatra RocketIO client for eventmachine |
26 | 51,141 | 55,996 | em-rocketio-linda-client | RocketIO Linda client for eventmachine |
27 | 51,582 | 25,763 | arduino_ir_remote | This Rubygem provides a wrapper for IR-Learning-Remote that has been built using the Ar... |
28 | 52,197 | 40,399 | tiqav | ruby wrapper for tiqav.com |
29 | 52,549 | 24,171 | wifi_location | Get your location with WiFi Mac Address and GoogleMap. |
30 | 52,647 | 55,996 | tmp_cache | on memory cache |
31 | 60,427 | 55,996 | serialport-server | SerialPort Server makes your Device (Arduino, mbed...) WebServer. |
32 | 62,115 | 55,996 | linda | Tuple and TupleSpace implementation of Linda - coordinational language for parallel pro... |
33 | 67,377 | 40,399 | em-websocketio-client | Sinatra WebSocketIO client for eventmachine |
34 | 72,104 | 55,996 | leapmotion | LeapMotion WebSocket wrapper for Ruby |
35 | 75,093 | 55,996 | linda-socket.io-client | linda-socket.io client for Ruby |
36 | 76,885 | 55,996 | shinagawaseaside | add rake tasks they start/stop tokyo tyrant server |
37 | 85,700 | 55,996 | nowhen | Tagger for Life Log |
38 | 91,009 | 55,996 | bowl | Bowl is a Mac/Linux controller for your Application. |
39 | 97,378 | 55,996 | otokonoramen500yen | 男のらーめん500円の営業状態を取得する |
40 | 117,953 | 55,996 | goldfish | rubygem for client of GoldFish (https://github.com/shokai/goldfish) and POI (https://gi... |
41 | 127,665 | 55,996 | quicktime-player-mac | control QuickTime Player on Mac. |