Beanie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
178120netrcThis library can read and update netrc files, preserving formatting including comments ...
25,3107,428ffprobera Ruby wrapper for ffprobe
36,02910,058morrisjs-railsmorris.js for the Rails Asset Pipeline
49,00714,741plinyPliny is a set of base classes and helpers to help developers write excellent APIs in S...
518,57628,615omniauth-vimeoOmniAuth strategy for Vimeo
647,74453,223codeshipeasily interact with
755,85797,699pliny-sidekiqPliny logging and request_id support for Sidekiq
873,64997,699dnsdeployWrapper between DNSimple and records.json - deploy your DNS records
975,84153,223resumablejs-railsresumable.js for the Rails Asset Pipeline
10118,76197,699sidekiqpushSuper Simple Sidekiq Push
11119,59853,223omniauth-codeshipOmniAuth strategy for Codeship