1 | 11,043 | 10,963 | jsender | JSender facilitates a simple jsend implementation for ruby with json and rack helpers |
2 | 11,238 | 32,595 | soar_sc_core | Service component core aggregations for simple inclusion into service components |
3 | 11,932 | 22,190 | eh | Error handler gem that allows wrapping of code blocks with support for block retry, log... |
4 | 12,152 | 32,595 | persistent-cache | Persistent Cache using a pluggable back-end (e.g. SQLite) |
5 | 12,670 | 23,861 | soar_sr | Implementation of the Hetzner Service Registry specification, backed by jUDDI |
6 | 13,075 | 32,595 | configuration_service | Configuration service |
7 | 13,280 | 32,595 | configuration_service-provider-vault | A HashiCorp Vault provider for the Configuration Service |
8 | 13,527 | 12,558 | soar_authentication_token | Interface to the authentication token service |
9 | 13,847 | 22,190 | soar_auditing_provider | SOAR architecture auditing provider extending from auditing provider API |
10 | 14,150 | 51,488 | smaak | Signed Message Authentication and Authorization with Key validation |
11 | 14,506 | 26,667 | soap4juddi | Provides connector, xml and brokerage facilities to a jUDDI consumer |
12 | 15,370 | 26,667 | persistent-cache-storage-api | This gem encodes the API that Persistent::Cache providers adhere to in order to plug in... |
13 | 15,752 | 51,488 | persistent-cache-storage-sqlite | Provides a SQLite storage back-end to Persistent::Cache |
14 | 15,864 | 26,667 | logstash_auditor | Logstash implementation of SOAR architecture auditing allowing easy publishing of event... |
15 | 15,986 | 51,488 | persistent-cache-storage-ram | This gem provides a RAM storage back-end to Persistent::Cache |
16 | 16,091 | 32,595 | persistent-cache-storage-directory | provides a directory storage back-end to Persistent::Cache. |
17 | 16,679 | 12,732 | soar_xt | SoarXt is an extensions library with useful functions and algorithms for use in the SOA... |
18 | 16,944 | 51,488 | soar_auditor_api | SOAR auditor api from which auditor implementations will extend |
19 | 17,493 | 32,595 | soar_pl | Generic implementation of a SOAR authorization policy |
20 | 18,388 | 51,488 | wadling | Turns a list of services (REST resources) definitions into a WADL definition |
21 | 18,983 | 51,488 | soar_smaak | Rack middle-ware for supporting SMAAK communication |
22 | 19,209 | 129,735 | persistent-cache-ram | Persistent Cache limited to STORAGE_RAM |
23 | 20,118 | 51,488 | log4r_auditor | Log4r implementation of SOAR architecture auditing allowing easy publishing of events t... |
24 | 20,926 | 51,488 | soar_sc_routing | base router and router meta library for soar_sc |
25 | 20,952 | 129,735 | soar_idm | Generic implementation of a SOAR Identity management API |
26 | 21,071 | 12,732 | soar_aspects | Library facilitating seeding of SOAR aspects in the rack environment |
27 | 21,630 | 13,004 | soar_flow | Generates a request flow ID, or honors an existing request flow ID |
28 | 21,937 | 23,861 | certmeister | Certificate authority that can be configured to make decisions about whether to autosig... |
29 | 22,717 | 51,488 | fabrique | Configuration-based factory for dependency injection |
30 | 22,791 | 51,488 | soar_authorization | Matches resource requests with access managers and asks them to authorize |
31 | 23,188 | 26,667 | soar_configuration | Configuration library for loading configuration service and YAML configurations |
32 | 24,947 | 129,735 | soar_authentication | Authentication middleware for SOAR |
33 | 25,856 | 51,488 | soar_sc_mvc | MVC library for SOAR reference implementation service component |
34 | 26,149 | 51,488 | soar_environment | This library determines the set of environment variables for a service component in the... |
35 | 26,383 | 51,488 | soar_sc_views | collection of soar_sc views |
36 | 26,431 | 129,735 | soar_lexicon | Provides a dynamic service component WADL lexicon and individal service ?wadl lexicon |
37 | 26,438 | 51,488 | soar_wadl_validation | WADL validator for requests |
38 | 26,447 | 32,595 | soar_authentication_cas | CAS configuration for soar_sc |
39 | 28,871 | 23,861 | certmeister-redis | This gem provides a redis store for use in certmeister, the conditional autosigning cer... |
40 | 29,283 | 12,656 | format_exception | A tiny exception formatter |
41 | 30,063 | 32,595 | certmeister-rack | This gem provides a rack application to offer an HTTP service around certmeister, the c... |
42 | 30,763 | 129,735 | shexecutor | Implements process replacement, forking, protection from shell injection, and a variety... |
43 | 34,173 | 32,595 | stream_auditor | IO stream implementation of SOAR architecture auditing allowing easy publishing of even... |
44 | 34,426 | 32,595 | soar_ldap | LDAP client library allowing easy acces to entries on LDAP servers |
45 | 36,529 | 129,735 | soar_policy_access_manager | Access Manager that uses policy services to determine authorization |
46 | 40,988 | 129,735 | soar_am | Access Manager API for the SOAR architecture |
47 | 41,555 | 51,488 | soar-dependency_container | Dependency injection container compatible with the SOAR Ruby framework |
48 | 54,438 | 18,007 | pdns-client | Client for PowerDNS REST API. |
49 | 57,460 | 26,667 | certmeister-dynamodb | This gem provides a DynamoDB store for use in certmeister, the conditional autosigning ... |
50 | 57,753 | 51,488 | safe_exec | Safe shell executor |
51 | 70,948 | 51,488 | safe_flock | Thread-safe, transferable, flock-based lock file |
52 | 73,007 | 51,488 | soar_sc-rack-router | Rack routing middleware supporting rack apps as actions, and parameterized paths |
53 | 73,208 | 51,488 | magic_options | Ruby module to provide initialize with magic options |
54 | 74,319 | 51,488 | hash_pick | A hash path query support library |
55 | 87,534 | 51,488 | dapi-client | Client for Kernels DNS API over HTTP. |
56 | 87,667 | 26,667 | auth_dns_check | Checks that all authoritatives answer for a new record. |
57 | 88,326 | 26,667 | certmeister-pg | This gem provides a PostgreSQL store for use in certmeister, the conditional autosignin... |
58 | 97,504 | 51,488 | sample | Sample gem for testing software that uses gems |
59 | 114,203 | 51,488 | redis_env_config | Provides redis client configuration from environment variables |
60 | 123,856 | 129,735 | soar_transport_api | API to be implemented by transport providers that want to communicate across soar_comms... |
61 | 137,509 | 51,488 | hetznerza-settingslogic | A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a... |
62 | 146,467 | 51,488 | hetzner-whois-parser | Whois Parser is a WHOIS parser written in pure Ruby. It can parse and convert responses... |
63 | 158,365 | 51,488 | jruby-ldap-fixes | Fixes applied to jruby-ldap which has been stale for years |
64 | 159,180 | 32,595 | idr_staff | Model for staff IDR |
65 | 167,572 | 51,488 | elasticsearch_env_config | Provides elasticsearch client configuration from environment variables |