Auzbert's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
141,63963,432bio-tm_hmmA bioruby plugin for interaction with the transmembrane predictor TMHMM
241,68763,432bio-velvetParser to work with some file formats used in the velvet DNA assembler
342,99141,916bio-signalpA wrapper for the signal peptide prediction algorith SignalP. Not very well supported, ...
444,03541,916bio-kmer_counterA biogem for counting small kmers for fingerprinting nucleotide sequences. See README f...
544,54163,432bio-commandeerA dead simple method of running shell commands from within Ruby, by applying opinion
649,55263,432wwood-rarffRarff is a Ruby library for dealing with Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files. A...
750,17463,432finishmDe-novo assemblies generally only provide draft genomes. FinishM is aimed at improving ...
852,93963,432bio-velvet_undergroundBindings to some internals of the velvet assembler.
953,27930,305divvy_proteomicsdivvy up spectra from DTASelect files in a somewhat parsimonious way
1057,75063,432wwood-reachFor instance, a ReachableArray of Book objects can not only take normal Array methods s...
1159,92541,916dirseqFPKG (gene expression metric) calculator for metatranscriptomics
1260,69463,432bio-plasmoapThe PlasmoAP algorithm (Foth and Ralph et. al. 2003) predicts apicoplast transit peptid...
1360,73263,432array_pairrandom useful methods for working with Ruby arrays and hashes
1462,92863,432bio-octopusRunning and parsing of the protein transmembrane domain predictor octopus
1564,01163,432bio-kronaThis biogem is built around Krona, a flashy way of representing hierarchical data.
1666,13663,432bio-pileup_iteratorIterate through a samtools pileup file
1766,33922,084reubypathdbClasses to help parsing EuPathDB data files
1869,61863,432gorubyGoRuby makes it easy to interact with the Gene Ontology by using the infrastructure set...
1973,64363,432bio-sraA Sequence Read Archive (SRA) download script and Ruby interface to the SRAdb (SRA meta...
2074,81522,084rarffLibrary for handling Weka ARFF files
2179,47763,432SilkSliderPredict silk-like proteins from its amino acid sequence.
2284,47863,432bio-wolf_psort_wrapperEnables the localisation predictor WoLF PSORT to be run locally. The algorithm is avail...
2387,16241,916bio-hmmer_modelParse PFAM HMM definition files so that the models can be accessible programmatically
2487,47263,432bio-gagbio-gag is a biogem for detecting and correcting a particular type of error that occurs...
2589,83963,432yargraphPure Ruby graph algorithms, particularly e.g. Hamiltonian cycles
2692,58563,432bio-hmmer3_reportEnables programmatic parsing of HMMER version 3 reports
2797,37863,432bio-ipcressa programmatic interface to the iPCRess in-silico PCR software. iPCRess is part of the ...
2897,44563,432bio-express_beta_diversityInterface for express beta diversity file formats
2998,72963,432bio-cigarA parser for CIGAR format alignments.
30101,64763,432img_scriptsScripts related to the IMG (Integrated Microbial Genomes) database
31114,14063,432bio-emboss_six_frame_nucleotide_sequencesa method to get the nucleotide sequence of translations done by the EMBOSS bioinformati...
32117,31263,432bio-hydropathyHydropathy scale for BioRuby
33117,50663,432bio-aliphatic_indexA simple biogem that allows computation of the aliphatic index of a protein
34117,73063,432bio-exportpredWrapper around the ExportPred algorithm for predicting P. falciparum exported proteins....
35121,68663,432bio-img_metadataReads metadata from Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) metadata files into a programmat...
36123,17163,432bio-stockholmParses stockholm sequence alignment format
37134,62141,916reachableFor instance, a ReachableArray of Book objects can not only take normal Array methods s...
38163,37763,432bio-primer3Primer3-related Ruby code - wrappers, Boulder IO, etc.