1 | 49,447 | 80,049 | rdoba | Ruby extension library. It extends Kernel, Object, String, Hash, Array, and some other ... |
2 | 65,795 | 80,049 | priehlazx | priehlazx is utility and ruby library to convert a char and text to a specific codepage |
3 | 68,588 | 28,088 | bukovina | Bukovina is the Orthodox Christian God-service library |
4 | 72,545 | 61,626 | eventer | eventer is the simpest event throwing engine |
5 | 75,219 | 80,049 | hscrubber | hscrubber is HTML scrubber based on a HTML reha filter |
6 | 104,090 | 80,049 | twitter-bootstrap-ruby | twitter-bootstrap-ruby project integrates Bootstrap JS, and CSS toolkit for Espresso, a... |
7 | 104,190 | 46,897 | api-scheme | Provides simple error handling and param processing scheme
to... |
8 | 109,597 | 61,626 | itunes-receipt-validate | iTunes Receipt validation library |
9 | 128,841 | 80,049 | ytemplate | ytemplate is YAML extension allowing deployment of YAML templates |
10 | 136,402 | 163,113 | scheme_parser | Scheme Parser parse an XML/HTML document to hashly-structured format,
... |
11 | 140,591 | 80,049 | knigodej | Knigodej gem is a tool to make a PDF, and DJVU books from the XCF (GIMP image) source |
12 | 140,635 | 80,049 | watir-schema | The gem is able to run around the clock with report at least every hour. Run of the scr... |
13 | 141,333 | 80,049 | shoulda-matchers-cucumber | The gem to be used to support the shoulda matchers and rspec expectation syntaxes in th... |
14 | 141,691 | 80,049 | redisize | Make json record cacheable to redis via various adapters like Resque, Sidekiq, etc |
15 | 151,795 | 46,897 | ntp-mock-server | NTP Mock Server allows to rebase server time for various test suite purposes. |
16 | 166,846 | 163,113 | rails-api-scheme | Provides simple error handling and param processing scheme
to... |
17 | 167,879 | 39,736 | jsonize | Act as as_json for active record model or as a jsonize using the cacheable redisize |
18 | 178,463 | 80,049 | tiun | Tiun is an old russian high level manager for a city from a prince or boyar. According ... |
19 | 180,040 | 39,736 | baltix | Baltix is setup replacement and spec control utility for RPM/local packages |