1 | 2,876 | 3,065 | twitter-text | A gem that provides text handling for Twitter |
2 | 9,290 | 6,304 | ir_b | You can do irb anywhere by calling 'ir b' (need a whitespace!). |
3 | 10,289 | 60,549 | earthquake | Twitter Client on Terminal with Twitter Streaming API. |
4 | 12,231 | 14,821 | rubytter | Rubytter is a simple twitter client. |
5 | 12,337 | 11,527 | notify | Desctop notify for many platform |
6 | 12,373 | 13,221 | termtter | Termtter is a terminal based Twitter client. |
7 | 14,360 | 17,063 | tunnels | This tunnels https to http. |
8 | 14,727 | 14,968 | termcolor | Termcolor is a library for ANSI color formatting like HTML for output in terminal. ' |
9 | 15,104 | 31,170 | g | It works like Kernel.p with growl :) |
10 | 16,469 | 13,967 | rails-sh | The Rails Shell to execute sub commands of rails quickly. |
11 | 19,716 | 71,169 | eeepub | EeePub is a Ruby ePub generator. |
12 | 26,959 | 107,887 | capy | Capybara Script Runner |
13 | 30,139 | 40,267 | sunspot_mongoid | A Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails. |
14 | 32,786 | 107,887 | cinatra | Cinatra is a library for command based console application. It is like Sinatra. :) |
15 | 33,741 | 147,291 | epubcheck | This is a command-line ePub check tool. It is wrapper of epubcheck(http://code.google.c... |
16 | 39,040 | 47,929 | pry-remote-auto | Open the Terminal and run pry-remote automatically |
17 | 40,354 | 40,267 | irby | The IRBy defines Object#irb. It allows you to start irb super quickly. |
18 | 41,651 | 40,267 | ws-io | It provides a bridge between WebSocket and IO |
19 | 43,982 | 44,005 | instapi | Wrapper of the Instapaper Simple API. Instaã! |
20 | 45,530 | 47,929 | named_emoji | Named Emojis for Mac OSX Lion and Later. Emoji's names are from Campfire and GitHub. |
21 | 47,291 | 47,929 | i81n | I81n aims that make I18n easy to use. |
22 | 53,542 | 84,493 | rails-erb-check | A command to check syntax as rails's erb. It provides the rails-erb-check command. |
23 | 53,702 | 53,644 | tester | Continuation testing tool for project that use git. |
24 | 53,855 | 34,964 | rcicindela | RCicindela is a wrapper library for Cicindela.
Cicindela is a recommendation engine mad... |
25 | 54,321 | 33,052 | rake-sh | Rake-sh is The Rake Shell. |
26 | 55,879 | 53,644 | tm_backtrace | This provides you the backtrace for TextMate |
27 | 57,971 | 60,549 | git2epub | The tool that generate epub from git repository |
28 | 58,005 | 44,005 | super_p | The super p |
29 | 59,555 | 147,291 | d | Kernel.d that is an alias of Kernel.debugger. |
30 | 62,446 | 60,549 | twitpic | Library for TwitPic API. |
31 | 64,924 | 84,493 | jugyo-twitter_oauth | twitter_oauth is a Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth. |
32 | 65,014 | 107,887 | cilite | CiLite is lite CI tool for project that use git. |
33 | 68,632 | 84,493 | filetter | Filetter is a pluggable tool for file system. |
34 | 69,995 | 71,169 | growl-logger | Logger using Growl. You can output logs as growl notification so easily! |
35 | 71,931 | 84,493 | get-twitter-oauth-token | The "get-twitter-oauth-token" is a command to get OAuth token. Let's get OAuth token! |
36 | 74,121 | 71,169 | mocktra | A webmock DSL using sinatra. |
37 | 74,190 | 71,169 | ykk | YKK is a simple key value store using YAML. |
38 | 75,400 | 53,644 | sinatra_debug_console | Web base debug console for sinatra |
39 | 75,696 | 71,169 | www | A World Wide Web Application Framework |
40 | 76,372 | 147,291 | ansi_utils | ANSI escape code utils. Move cursor, Erase data, etc... |
41 | 77,300 | 60,549 | ruri | Ruri is the るりま shell. |
42 | 78,441 | 71,169 | gengen | A simple generator using github repository |
43 | 78,786 | 71,169 | toclip | It sends an object to the your clipboard. |
44 | 79,312 | 71,169 | pretty_match_data | Pretty MatchData. It provides pretty #to_s method |
45 | 79,440 | 84,493 | resque-rails | The railtie for setup resque. It provides an initializer and rake tasks. |
46 | 79,645 | 71,169 | wr_b | wr_b is the ir_b over the WebSocket. You can start an irb session on the browser that s... |
47 | 80,032 | 84,493 | httpclient-uploadio | Wrapper for IO to upload to web server |
48 | 86,013 | 84,493 | ifchanged | Command line tool that run script when files are changed. |
49 | 86,237 | 147,291 | each | A simple command to process each line of ARGF. |
50 | 87,373 | 147,291 | edit | Open a file in your edit with line number. It provides the command 'edit'. |
51 | 88,401 | 84,493 | pb | PB is a Clipboard tool that provides pbcopy, pbread and pbpaste. It supports only Mac O... |
52 | 89,566 | 84,493 | kvs | KVS is a simple key value store. |
53 | 93,250 | 84,493 | mtrace | trace calling methods with set_trace_func |
54 | 98,179 | 71,169 | n | The "n" is like Kernel.p but it uses notify-send instead. |
55 | 98,964 | 84,493 | open_as_text | open an object as text |
56 | 106,452 | 60,549 | rack_prof | Rack middleware for profiling |
57 | 116,433 | 107,887 | gem_readme | The 'gem readme' command open REAME file of specified gem. |
58 | 119,881 | 107,887 | gitki | Gitki is a wiki using git to store data. |
59 | 124,518 | 107,887 | jugyo-simplenote | Uses HTTParty to present a nice Ruby wrapper for SimpleNote |
60 | 125,523 | 84,493 | i18n-grep | The command 'i18n-grep' that does grep I18n yaml files. |
61 | 125,700 | 107,887 | force_require | Force require for Bundler environment! Yeaaaaaaaaaaah! |
62 | 128,183 | 107,887 | jugyo-grit | Grit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or... |
63 | 128,442 | 107,887 | jugyo-gollum | A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend. |
64 | 131,903 | 107,887 | osx_dict | Dictionary maker for MacOSX Dictionary.app |
65 | 132,013 | 107,887 | unicolor | Colorize an object uniquely! Call Object#unicolor |
66 | 134,204 | 107,887 | skeeter | A skeeter client library for ruby. See also https://github.com/blakesmith/skeeter |