1 | 3,023 | 3,210 | tzip | TZip can resolve United States ZIP codes into the appropriate Rails time zone identifie... |
2 | 11,771 | 15,060 | stateface-rails | Use StateFace in your rails app |
3 | 26,305 | 33,893 | prx_auth-rails | Rails integration for next generation PRX Authorization system. |
4 | 29,812 | 61,367 | feedjira-podcast | Podcast feed parsing with Feedjira |
5 | 32,260 | 41,086 | smart_s3_sync | Intelligent syncing from Cloud providers when duplicate content abounds. |
6 | 40,461 | 11,862 | prx_auth | Specific to PRX. Will ignore tokens that were not issued by PRX. |
7 | 41,397 | 61,367 | rack-prx_auth | Specific to PRX. Will ignore tokens that were not issued by PRX. |
8 | 46,642 | 61,367 | feedjira-opml | Rudimentary OPML parsing classes for Feedjira |
9 | 47,288 | 41,086 | announce | Announce is for pubsub of messages for events, built on other gems like shoryuken. |
10 | 48,701 | 25,716 | omniauth-prx | PRX strategy for OmniAuth using OAuth2 |
11 | 60,762 | 61,367 | fixer_client | Client for the fixer application. |
12 | 61,448 | 61,367 | feedzirra-podcast | Strict RSS 2 podcast parsing with Feedzirra |
13 | 61,800 | 25,716 | mbta | Library for accessing real-time MBTA data |
14 | 64,947 | 33,893 | copyrighter | Helper method for printed copyright dates, like `Copyright 1999-2012` |
15 | 71,187 | 61,367 | lamppost | Lamppost is a basic OPML parser that uses Feedjira |
16 | 75,019 | 61,367 | refinuri | Helps clean up complex URLs with filtering query string, like you may find in an online... |
17 | 78,439 | 61,367 | shoryuken-waiter | Supports scheduling jobs beyond 15 minutes when using Shoryuken with Active Job. |
18 | 80,442 | 61,367 | the_castle_client | Client to connect via 2-legged oauth, and get data from the castle. |
19 | 87,667 | 61,367 | donottrack | Until the Do Not Track situation is completely flushed out... |
20 | 89,574 | 61,367 | event_attribute | EventAttribute allows you to turn your date/datetime columns in to boolean attributes i... |
21 | 97,449 | 61,367 | iso-country | A standard way of handling country data |
22 | 100,867 | 33,893 | periodic | Natural language parser and output formating for durations in Ruby |
23 | 137,969 | 61,367 | rack-coffee_filter | Makes coffeescript javascript |
24 | 171,420 | 61,367 | pushcart | A Rails engine for handling PubSubHubbub subscriptions. |