Fengzhichao's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
149,78253,556yunA command line tool to manage Amazon cloud service
2102,54535,920rack-cname_requestrack middleware to handle request from cname proxy
4123,97631,663weixin_message_encryptorA simple tool to decrypt and encrypt Weixin messages.
5125,79831,663acts_as_graphA very simple acts as graph for your model
6142,76353,556grape-halProvides the HAL response for Grape API application
7165,15586,038capslackSend notification to slack about your Rails Capistrano deployment.
8169,82253,556jindouyunDingding (Dingtalk)
9170,18253,556jingubangAll-in-on weixin integration for Rails
10170,63086,038slanger-health_checkHealth check for Slanger service
11171,33686,038mongoid-categorized_counter_cacheMongoid Counter Cache extension: counter cache with categorized count
12171,50886,038simple_tenantA simple tenant lib for mongoid
13180,01053,556easy_buildThis is a place holder