Zquestz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1415420omniauth-google-oauth2A Google OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x. This allows you to login to Google with your...
27,47514,205cash-addrLibrary to convert between base58 and CashAddr BCH addresses
39,21361,367apcera-stager-apiApcera Stager API Library
423,41461,367continuum-stager-apiContinuum Stager api library
530,23941,086starcraft2A small SC2 api wrapper
632,52661,367gemsyncSmall gem to sync multiple gem installations. This can be done by pointing to a ruby in...
763,35917,333pickynodeSome people are picky about the bitcoin nodes they connect to.
869,60741,086omniauth-google_oauth2A Google oauth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
993,79723,402pickynode-bchdSome people are picky about the bitcoin cash nodes they connect to with bchd.
10140,02761,367handcashRuby gem for handcash's API @ http://handcash.io/api-docs