1 | 1,625 | 696 | jsonb_accessor | Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models. |
2 | 26,526 | 36,705 | scrubyt | scRUBYt! is an easy to learn and use, yet powerful and effective web scraping framework... |
3 | 50,063 | 30,494 | exception_helper | Common mixins for handling exceptions |
4 | 59,714 | 36,705 | binary_decision_tree | A binary decision tree useful for brackets of single elimination tournaments. |
5 | 98,259 | 24,705 | active_attr_extended | An extension of the active_attr gem, adding Arrays and Hashes as valid attribute types.... |
6 | 126,680 | 57,843 | espn_scraper | a simple scraping api for espn stats and data |
7 | 132,163 | 57,843 | cassandra_archive | The library allows to archive destroyed record to cassandra. For that moment ActiveReco... |
8 | 133,844 | 57,843 | cassandra_datum | Cassandra backed ORM |
9 | 144,939 | 57,843 | redis_attr | Ruby model attributes backed by redis |
10 | 146,490 | 57,843 | serial_attr | Finer control over which attributes of a model to serialize |