1 | 1,275 | 837 | find_a_port | Use a TCPServer hack to find an open TCP port |
2 | 11,332 | 28,543 | kookaburra | Cucumber + Capybara = Kookaburra? It made sense at the time. |
3 | 20,759 | 17,570 | the_help | A service layer framework |
4 | 20,882 | 59,086 | offs | OFFS provides a means to demarcate code that is
related to ne... |
5 | 28,832 | 59,086 | github-v3-api | Ponies |
6 | 28,973 | 59,086 | boombera | CouchDB-backed content repository for multi-tenant, multi-stage applications |
7 | 31,017 | 35,677 | projectdx_pipeline | Common pipeline tasks and libraries to be used for all components of the ProjectDX plat... |
8 | 46,408 | 35,677 | injectable_dependencies | Lightweight Ruby Dependency Injection |
9 | 53,460 | 59,086 | scrumninja-git-cli | A command-line interface to integrate the ScrumNinja (http://scrumninja.com) API with a... |
10 | 59,681 | 59,086 | better_newrelic_sql_obfuscator | see Summary |
11 | 62,915 | 59,086 | nutrition_calculator | NutritionCalculator provides a set of core libraries to help track a
person's indiv... |
12 | 68,975 | 35,677 | acts_as_teenager | It hears you but doesn't care. |
13 | 73,777 | 59,086 | github_repo_deleter | Since you can't delete GitHub repos via the API, you have to pretend to be a web browse... |
14 | 75,311 | 59,086 | projectdx_activemerchant | Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif... |
15 | 102,993 | 59,086 | object_pub_sub | An Observer implementation with finer-grained controll over event publishing. |
16 | 109,466 | 59,086 | basic_auth_credentials | A simple class that takes an HTTP Basic Auth header value and decodes it into a user_id... |
17 | 113,695 | 59,086 | app_driver | Implements the AppDriver and WindowDriver patterns for acceptance testing of GUI applic... |
18 | 120,148 | 59,086 | cuke_data | CukeData makes it easy to create and reference named hashes of data within Cucumber tests. |
19 | 123,363 | 59,086 | just-a-test | Just testing jeweler and gemcutter |
20 | 128,634 | 59,086 | projectdx-subdomain_routes | SubdomainRoutes add subdomain conditions to the Rails routing system. Routes may be res... |
21 | 134,159 | 28,543 | risk_of_burns | Uses James Shore's method to calculate risk-adjusted burn-up. |