1 | 98 | 165 | faraday_middleware | Various middleware for Faraday |
2 | 121 | 138 | crack | Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails. |
3 | 125 | 144 | sawyer | Secret User Agent of HTTP |
4 | 127 | 148 | octokit | Simple wrapper for the GitHub API |
5 | 4,172 | 4,828 | linkedin | Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API |
6 | 18,514 | 13,259 | gowalla | Ruby wrapper for the Gowalla API |
7 | 22,268 | 53,556 | chargify | Ruby wrapper for the chargify.com SAAS and billing API using httparty |
8 | 22,388 | 35,920 | topsy | Wrapper for the Topsy API |
9 | 23,854 | 20,749 | twitterland | wrappers for various twitter apis |
10 | 25,886 | 22,512 | octopussy | Simple wrapper for the GitHub API v2 |
11 | 34,215 | 35,920 | compass-wordpress | Helps you create generic WordPress themes and Thematic child themes |
12 | 42,151 | 86,038 | compass_formalize | Compass and Sass port of Nathan Smith's Formalize HTML form normalizer. |
13 | 45,133 | 86,038 | buzzsprout | Ruby wrapper for the stealth mode Buzzsprout API |
14 | 49,270 | 86,038 | authentic_jobs | Ruby wrapper for the Authentic Jobs API |
15 | 52,481 | 86,038 | plancast | Wrapper for the Plancast API |
16 | 55,344 | 86,038 | rdio-cli | CLI for Rdio for Mac |
17 | 61,536 | 86,038 | readernaut | Wrapper for Readernaut, the best book social network around |
18 | 63,660 | 53,556 | transparency_data | Wrapper for the Sunlight Transparency data API |
19 | 71,511 | 86,038 | octonaut | CLI for GitHub |
20 | 73,453 | 35,920 | groupon | Wrapper for the Groupon API |
21 | 74,183 | 53,556 | shoppr | Ruby wrapper for the Shopping.com API |
22 | 97,501 | 86,038 | formstack | Wrapper for the Formstack API |
23 | 100,152 | 86,038 | sqoot | Wrapper for Sqoot API. Using FaradayMiddleware |
24 | 110,577 | 86,038 | billboard | Great for cheating at trivia games |
25 | 116,016 | 86,038 | chunky_baconfile | Tasty wrapper for the Baconfile API |
26 | 119,435 | 86,038 | giact | Ruby wrapper for the Giact real time checks API |
27 | 120,518 | 86,038 | remixr | wrapper for the BestBuy Remix api |
28 | 122,503 | 86,038 | nextstop | Find cool places and destination guides with the nextstop API |
29 | 123,976 | 86,038 | nesta-plugin-sluggable | Sluggable posts for Nesta CMS |
30 | 124,477 | 86,038 | vidly | Post your videos to Twitter with Vid.ly |
31 | 127,324 | 86,038 | nesta-plugin-linkable | Link posts for Nesta CMS |
32 | 129,360 | 86,038 | nesta-plugin-project-meta | Plugin for Nesta CMS to pull in project meta info from GitHub, Rubygems |
33 | 157,959 | 86,038 | athena-cli | A JRuby-powered CLI for Amazon Athena |