Tomtt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,00953,556method_infoDefines a method_info method on every Object instance which provides information about ...
230,06786,038cuke-inspectorA formatter to create a json representation of the steps used in a cucumber suite and h...
338,48324,968grogA wrapper script for git-log
450,78853,556bandcampA utility to download the low quality mp3 files for a band on
566,68553,556string_to_editorSend ruby strings to your editor or a file
694,22953,556ubxd_support_rotaAn easy way to generate the support rota for Unboxed Consulting in wiki markup
7119,32553,556upc_genTool to generate ean13 upc barcodes, starting or ending with specific values
8124,08553,556patch_irb_completionThe default irb completion code shipped with ruby produces an internal error, exiting f...
9127,59686,038photo_handlerUtilities for managing digital images
10140,77686,038bulldoze_renamerA command line tool to bulk rename classes and variables in ruby projects
11182,73353,556time_tallyA skeleton to start a gem from