Flipsasser's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,9517,393addressablerAddressabler extends the Addressable::URI class to provide information about, and manip...
212,69110,025maintainMaintain is a simple state machine mixin for Ruby objects. It supports comparisons, bit...
314,80313,134pgcryptoPGCrypto is an ActiveRecord::Base extension that allows you to asymmetrically enc...
426,30439,659awesomemailerAwesomeMailer embeds your e-mail CSS inline, allowing you to write e-mail templates wit...
533,62622,345bodegaBodega adds checkout logic to any model in your app!
633,93143,437permissivePermissive combines a model-based permissions system with bitmasking to create a fl...
734,87445,181ozyOzymandias (or "Ozy" for short) allows you to use a Hash normally, but to have its chan...
838,56335,638grandstandGrandstand is a simple blog and photo gallery application. It takes a minimal amount of...
940,58032,305great_pretenderUse Great Pretender to easily add layout-specific mockups in a Rails app without having...
1041,81229,644findexRake tasks to check your Rails models for missing indexes
1146,81263,356attr_encodableattr_encodable enables you to set up defaults for what is included or excluded when you...
1250,84045,181oriaOria (oh-rye-uh) is an in-memory, Ruby-based Key-Value store. It's designed to handle m...
1352,26119,499ravioliRavioli combines all of your app's runtime configuration into a unified, simple interfa...
1454,98080,166big_spoonBigSpoon will add a hooks method to every class. Call that method with a block and add ...
1558,42874,122servoServo makes it dead simple to serve up a static filesystem using Rack::Directory.
1662,88797,459canhasObject can_has?(:can_has?) #=> true
1765,170110,038configurator2A mixin to add a .config method and options with defaults to any library
1850,22744,689prettypleasePrettyPlease creates a fun and simple API for scheduling jobs in Plinq-flavored Resque!
1967,13144,689revelationGenerates a Sinatra-backed, HAML-powered reveal.js presentation
2072,32844,689jsroutesA Rails router to JavaScript plugin
2179,31444,689b-listB-List is a Rack middleware that makes it easy to authenticate users based on membershi...
2279,39844,689blisterB-List is a Rack middleware that makes it easy to authenticate users based on membershi...
2380,77644,689eds-momI've heard you can mix Ed's Mom in. Hot.
24139,11980,166federal_offenseFederal Offense intercepts outbound emails in Rails and allows you to preview them in a...