Njh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,9522,365mqttPure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol, a lightweight protocol for publish/sub...
212,86230,305waveinfowaveinfo is a pure-ruby gem to get the information from the headers of Wave (.wav) files.
342,44430,305em-mqttThis gem adds MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocol support to EventMachine.
466,07315,400playlistConvert playlists between different formats
579,71841,916bbc-programmesRuby client library for the BBC Programmes website.
693,71363,432esgobClient library for talking to the Esgob anycast DNS API.
794,09325,458ruby-mprisThe mpris gem allows you to control media players that follow the MPRIS specification.
8122,90663,432sqlitecacheThe SQLite Cache gem allows you cache slow queries in ruby code. It provides a simple A...
9123,58663,432matrixorbital-glkA ruby gem to interface Matrix Orbital's GLK series of LCD Screens.
10125,78830,305rdf-redstoreRDF.rb plugin providing a RedStore storage adapter.
11149,54063,432em-mqtt-snThis gem adds MQTT-SN protocol and gateway support to EventMachine.
12159,32563,432fornoBuild disk images from simple JSON definitions.
13169,77763,432bbc-weekExtension to the Date class to calculate BBC week dates