Deepfryed's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,6663,174idn-rubyRuby Bindings for the GNU LibIDN library, an implementation of the Stringprep, Puny...
25,79817,852bloom-filterA fast Bloom Filter library for Ruby for unices.
37,51713,979http-parser-liteA lite ruby wrapper around Joyent http-parser
412,0862,155http-clientLight weight wrapper around Net::HTTP
517,35535,920swiftA rational rudimentary database abstraction.
622,86586,038pony-expressA fast and lightweight mailer for ruby that uses libmimetic for generating mails
723,96417,852hmac-uriOpenSSL based HMAC signing for request urls with shared secret
829,33453,556swift-db-postgresSwift adapter for PostgreSQL database
932,80786,038similiesimilie is an image fingerprinting & comparison utility
1034,87142,025otsRuby interface to libots libraries for unix.
1139,92586,038flockA thin ruby binding to Cluster 3.0
1242,57786,038swift-db-mysqlSwift adapter for MySQL database
1344,83686,038em-redisliteEventMachine based Redis client
1445,88428,793sinatra-paginateSimple Sinatra pagination helper.
1546,94186,038pastrythin runner that forks and supports binding to single socket
1647,74486,038sinatra-symphonyem-synchrony glue for sinatra.
1756,62153,556swift-db-sqlite3Swift adapter for Sqlite3 database
1859,33086,038pg_typecastExtensions to pg gem supporting typecasting.
1960,10331,663fastcaptchaA simple and fast image captcha generator that uses opencv and memcached.
2070,51286,038chippertwitter text extraction utilities
2171,85186,038claussimple hash / array based rule matching engine
2292,65942,025identifyImage identification in pure Ruby
2399,06986,038sashcomputes a 64bit hash using sdbm hash function and outputs a compact string representation
24126,12286,038fuzzy-stringA collection of functions for fuzzy string matching.
25136,88086,038roundupClean periodic snaphots while keeping files that matter