Cabo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,230829cborCBOR is a library for the CBOR binary object representation format, based on Sadayuki F...
28,09417,701kramdown-rfc2629An RFCXML (RFC 799x) generating backend for Thomas Leitner's "kramdown" markdown parser...
38,1995,269cddlA parser, generator, and validator for CDDL
48,7525,204cbor-diagcbor-diag implements diagnostic notation for CBOR, RFC 8949 and RFC 8742
510,1225,208cbor-canonicalcbor-canonical implements old canonical encoding for CBOR, RFC 7049 Section 3.9 -- use ...
610,1735,212cbor-deterministiccbor-deterministic implements deterministic encoding for CBOR, RFC 8949 Section 4.2
710,2285,212cbor-packedcbor-packed implements packed encoding for CBOR, RFC 7049 Section 3.9
810,2295,301abncShifty support for tools based on IETF's ABNF
910,7015,279abnfttLess shifty support for tools based on IETF's ABNF
1029,06616,730kramdown-rfcAn RFCXML (RFC 799x) generating backend for Thomas Leitner's "kramdown" markdown parser...
1156,3029,185cddlccddlc implements converters and miscellaneous tools for CDDL, RFC 8610
1264,57253,730kdwatchkdwatch: open auto-reloaded HTML for kramdown-rfc in a browser.
1387,63437,669asn1-diagasn1-diag implements some diagnostics for ASN1 BER (X.690) and DER
1498,75715,448edn-abnfedn-abnf implements converters and miscellaneous tools for CBOR EDN's ABNF
15105,67782,167coapingcoaping: check whether your CoAP server is still there.
16106,71653,730cert-to-cwtcert-to-cwt is a highly experimental converter for X.509 certificates into CWT claim sets.
17138,46382,167tinydtlstinydtls provides a DTLS implementation
18148,81243,399jptjpt implements converters and miscellaneous tools for JSONPath
19158,87582,167rb_tuntap_osxThis library allows you to create and interact with TUN/TAP devices using Ruby. See the...
20162,36153,730eventmachine-with-ipv6EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
21168,97253,730cbor-elisioncbor-elision implements elision for CBOR diagnostic notation
22170,27482,167coral0Support tools for the CoRAL IoT format
23174,12482,167iregexpiregexp implements converters and miscellaneous tools for I-Regexp
24175,56382,167cbor-dcborcbor-dcbor implements "dCBOR" encoding for CBOR, RFC 8949
25177,28182,167cbor-diag-ecbor-diag-e implements external constants for CBOR diagnostic notation
26178,51782,167sid-csvsid-csv implements a library and a command-line interface to YANG sid files as CSV
27180,41582,167merge-patchmerge-patch implements a library and a command-line interface to RFC 7396 Merge-Patch
28180,56553,730edn-abnf-ecedn-abnf implements converters and miscellaneous tools for CBOR EDN's ABNF
29180,66782,167cbor-cricbor-cri implements CBOR constrained resource identifiers, draft-ietf-core-href
30181,79682,167cbor-diag-refcbor-diag-ref implements referencing for CBOR diagnostic notation