1 | 10,705 | 66,923 | circuit_breakage | Provides a circuit breaker pattern with optional support for distributed state. |
2 | 36,282 | 66,923 | classy | Classy is a collection of metaprogramming-heavy modules which you can extend in order t... |
3 | 73,472 | 66,923 | password_rehasher | Temporary gem to rehash passwords to scrypt |
4 | 96,394 | 66,923 | testify | Testify is a test framework framework. Think "Rack for testing." |
5 | 125,895 | 66,923 | test_kicker | A lightweight autotester based on Kicker and Testify |
6 | 143,490 | 66,923 | community_service | A support library for a simple service architecture. Handles service discovery using SR... |
7 | 152,319 | 66,923 | portion_control | A gem to allow a RESTful API to provide a given resource at various levels of completen... |