Spraints's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,9195,481resquedDaemon of resque workers
248,49159,086hoosegowHoosegow provides an RPC layer on top of Docker containers so that you can isolate unsa...
349,73259,086farmingengineersInvoice generators, etc.
460,21659,086static_configLoad configuration from yaml and/or environment variables
574,20935,677noodleUse bundler to get your .NET assembly dependencies.
686,74359,086stripmemStripchart memory usage
799,79559,086validates-belongs-toActiveModel validation that two associated models are related to each other.
8109,46659,086mlb-standingsGet MLB stuffs
9133,93059,086js-asset-pathsLoad the rails asset pipeline manifest in the browser, so it can be used from there.
10150,64259,086stripchartStripchart anything