Wilg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,5369,204mini_exiftool_vendoredA meta-gem for mini_exiftool that bundles a version of the Exiftool application.
240,84351,220laundryA soapy interface to ACH Direct's PaymentsGateway.com service.
343,04951,220mediamanMediaman manages your media, man.
447,64951,220lorraineHow else are you going to communicate with an LED wall?
571,95651,220wikidataRuby client for Wikidata
6130,87051,220rankitizeGem to allow ActiveRecord models to find their ranking in a list.
7134,02551,220mini_sublerA lightweight Ruby wrapper around Subler's CLI interface.
8134,04151,220scoped_traversalA simple way to traverse ActiveRecord models by an ordered column.
9135,40751,220metermaidGently pilfers your power usage data from your power company.