Coffeeaddict's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,01263,432heidiCI-Joe alike CI system called Heidi.
237,57763,432has_eavPut EAV behaviour on your ActiveRecord models
360,84963,432kindergartenA kindergarten with a perimeter, a governess and a sandbox
464,20563,432crunchrCrunch statistics
575,33163,432message_dirHandle slow network messages with care
682,06263,432simple_shellA very simple, smart & elegant shell operations gem
782,93563,432amqp-hermesWrapper around ruby-amqp to make pub/sub easier
8100,44263,432strawberry_logStrawberry flavored loggin
9102,53830,305ruote-libraryA library for Ruote processes, based on FS storage and sub-processes
10105,86763,432jason_specWrite specifications for the expected json, without writing json
11124,26263,432fuzzy_stringsFuzzy String Matching based on Cost Of Operation
12136,83241,916ruote-registryKeep a registry of process defitions by name