Robgleeson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,95551,488iprocessA number of abstractions on top of spawning subprocesses and interprocess communication.
217,01732,595barneyBarney tries to make the sharing of data between processes as easy and natural as possi...
318,00032,595ichannelinterprocess communication channel
420,14832,595diaThrough the use of technology found on Apple's Leopard and Snow Leopard ...
526,30226,667edA Domain Specific Language(DSL) that you can use to talk to Git from Ruby.
635,519129,735pry-developer_toolsA collection of developer tools for Pry users
738,909129,735shell_commandshell_command tries to provide a better interface for communicating with commands you ...
841,980129,735xpoolA lightweight UNIX(X) Process Pool implementation
944,13751,488mixitTemporarily extend the calling scope of a block with instance methods from a module.
1054,57451,488minitest-contextDefines contexts for code reuse in MiniTest specs that share common expectations.
1175,129129,735observeA simple interface for adding observers to any class.
1281,91251,488irwebmachineIRWebmachine is an interactive debugger you can use to make, ...
13102,36051,488interprocess_attributeAttributes that persist between processes
14146,224129,735paskconcurrent tracer implemented on top of Thread#set_trace_func