1 | 3,549 | 4,096 | delorean | Delorean lets you travel in time with Ruby by mocking Time.now |
2 | 15,675 | 14,474 | sem_ver | Semantic Version parser |
3 | 29,909 | 29,727 | persistize | Easy denormalization for your ActiveRecord models |
4 | 54,134 | 53,263 | rakegrowl | Get Growled when your long running rake tasks finish |
5 | 66,102 | 68,530 | mrproper | Property Based Testing library |
6 | 76,994 | 68,530 | includer | Includes files into another files |
7 | 84,965 | 43,535 | duct | Embeds a Gemfile in a script |
8 | 87,209 | 97,080 | nested_open_struct | Thin wrapper around OpenStruct to make structs 'nested' |
9 | 90,320 | 77,965 | tkn2 | tkn2 is a terminal based presentation tool based on fxn's tkn |
10 | 99,831 | 77,965 | i_love_unicode | ✓ Semantically awesome testing library |
11 | 101,864 | 97,080 | trenza | Adds laziness & parallelism to any Ruby object in a transparent way |
12 | 121,282 | 97,080 | livevalidation | Easy client side validation for your ActiveRecord models |
13 | 140,904 | 117,678 | rosendo | Minimalistic and naive Sinatra reimplementation, without any dependencies other than th... |