Uberzealot's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7305,520spreeA complete open source e-commerce solution with multi-store, multi-currency and multi-l...
23,7355,553spree_apiSpree's API
33,9076,841spree_sampleOptional package containing example data of products, stores, shipping methods, categor...
44,0336,001spree_backendAdmin Dashboard for Spree eCommerce platform
54,04710,712spree_cmdSpree Commerce command line interface
64,1506,719spree_frontendSpree Commerce Storefront built with Rails and Turbo/Hotwire
74,8655,904spree_auth_deviseProvides authentication and authorization services for use with Spree by using Devise a...
85,1315,637spree_gatewayCollection of Payment Gateways for Spree Commerce such as Stripe, Braintree, etc.
98,74720,780spree_promoRequired dependency for Spree
108,76719,964spree_dashRequired dependency for Spree
1110,00027,184spree_authRequired dependency for Spree
1210,4977,224spree_i18nProvides locale information for use in Spree.
1320,41430,494rd_searchlogicSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.
1422,05057,843rd_find_by_paramfind_by_param is a nice and easy way to handle permalinks and dealing with searching fo...
1534,40557,843spree_skrillPayment Method for Skrill Transactions for Spree
1634,98657,843spree_usa_epayPayment Method for USA ePay SOAP Webservice
1764,05357,843spree_multi_domainMultiple Spree stores on different domains - single unified backed for processing orders.
1873,06557,843spree_store_creditsProvides store credits for a Spree store.
1975,31457,843spree_socialAdds social network login services (OAuth) to Spree
2076,86157,843spree_simple_blogToto style blogging for Spree
2189,13657,843spree_related_productsAllows multiple types of relationships between products to be defined
2293,44457,843spree_volume_pricingAllow prices to be configured in quantity ranges for each variant
23104,92757,843spree_email_to_friendSpree extension to send product recommendations to friends
24117,50357,843spree_active_shippingSpree extension for providing shipping methods that wrap the active_shipping plugin.
25119,71757,843spree_commentsComments for orders and shipments
26122,25457,843spree_affiliateAffiliate support for Spree