Gazoduc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,56261,367zenazena is a Ruby on Rails CMS (content managment system) with a focus on usability, ease...
215,70761,367querybuilderQueryBuilder is an interpreter for the "pseudo sql" language. This language can be ...
318,15761,367rubylessRubyLess is an interpreter for "safe ruby". The idea is to transform some "unsafe" ruby...
419,08461,367propertyWrap model properties into a single database column and declare properties from within ...
519,76661,367zafuProvides a powerful templating language based on xhtml for rails
634,91361,367goldThis is the workflow we use when developing zena. The main idea is that developers wor...
744,10241,086yamltestyamltest lets you configure unit test with yaml documents
844,60061,367versionsA list of libraries to work with ActiveRecord model versioning: Auto (duplicate on save...