Toki's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,85634,955higgspure ruby transactional storage compatible with unix TAR format
238,873112,197riserRiser is a library of Ruby Infrastructure for cooperative multi-thread/multi-process SE...
352,451112,197rimsRIMS is Ruby IMap Server. This gem provides a complete IMAP server by itself. The ...
474,610112,197rims-rfc822Fast parser for a RFC822 formatted message. This gem is a component of RIMS (Ruby I...
5103,97387,206ruby-qdbmQDBM is Quick Database Manager of This gem provides QDBM...
6104,426112,197rims-qdbmRIMS key-value store plug-in for QDBM. By introducing this plug-in, RIMS IMAP serv...
8126,95968,120anytickAnytick extends ruby's backtick notation to do more than run a shell command. For ...
9136,09968,120logger-jointlogger-joint is a utility to joint multiple loggers into one logger. Logs can be ou...
10142,610112,197rims-passwd-ldapRIMS password source plug-in for LDAP authentication. By introducing this plug-in, ...