Nyarly's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,01045,714rspec-stepsA minimal implementation of integration testing within RSpec. Allows you to build seq...
212,3949,025corundumA corundum is a synthetic gemstone - including synthetic rubies. Ergo: a tool for sy...
314,29945,714mattockIf Rake won't do it by itself, you oughtta Mattock. If you survived the pun, you mig...
416,29339,550valiseValise provides an API for accessing configuration and data files for your applicatio...
517,02115,505cadreThree things: An rspec formatter that triggers libnotify on completion. An rspec f...
618,27611,507bibliotechTools for managing SQL backups and local/remote database
721,86178,154waterpigBecause waterpig is what the scientific name for a capybara translates to, that's why.
823,53878,154our-eel-hacksMiddleware for Rack and Sidekiq to scale heroku. A heroku process knows everything i...
924,65818,641command-setCommandSet is a user interface framework. Its focus is a DSL for defining commands, mu...
1025,02578,154StencilStencil is a templating library with a number of design goals. * Limited code in te...
1125,34878,154lrd_rack_bugDebugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware. Rails 3 compati...
1227,57778,154xing-frameworkThe Xing Framework is a hypermedia-enabled Rails + AngularJS web and mobile development...
1332,83818,641xing-backendXing is a Rails + AngularJS + Hypermedia web development framework and platform. This ...
1434,24278,154simplecov-vimDefines a formatter that emits a vim script to mark up code with coverage data: refac...
1536,71278,154logical-insightDebugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware. Rails 3 compati...
1637,52919,707fluoride-collectorPart of the Fluoride suite - tools for making your black box a bit whiter
1742,29578,154xing-rootThe root of all that is Xing in the world.
1842,46078,154mizugumoSeamless UJS for Rails using NinjaScript. Get RESTFul delete links that work withou...
1942,65878,154logical_authzLogicalAuthorization allows authorization in a finely grained framework, including AC...
2046,73978,154rhet-butlerRhet Butler is a presentation assistant. Build a slide deck in simple YAML, design it...
2147,29923,367caliphTDD-suitable Ruby tool for generating command-line commands via an OOP interface.
2248,18378,154logical-constructLike Vagrant? Missing AWS? Here you go. Limited Rakefiles to do something like that.
2353,78825,504fluoride-analyzerPart of the Fluoride suite - tools for making your black box a bit whiter
2457,59478,154pivotal-brancherSome command line tools to be used in tandem with a githook for Pivotal `pb start` w...
2559,18978,154roadforestRoaD FoReST is a web framework designed to use the Resource Description Framework to ...
2673,57530,793diecutDiecut is a tool for supporting the process of writing code generation. It provides l...
2774,11278,154RegexpBenchInteractive testing and experimentation with regular expressions. To start, type 'regex...
2875,99378,154hawserA toolbelt of utilities for doing stuff with AWS
2992,09378,154rake-gemcutterTasks for gemcutter, including gemcutter-push
3099,13334,028calibrateAdd configurable settings to ruby object that can have defaults, be required, depend on...
31102,22978,154xing-backend-specdocThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
32105,41578,154sockjsSockJS is a WebSocket emulation library. It means that you use the WebSocket API, only ...
33107,56457,499xing_backend_token_authFor use with client side single page apps such as https://github.com/lynndylanhurley/ng...
34110,34478,154helmHere's the idea, and it's very simple: you maintain a little database of the servers ...
35110,75078,154stack_loopThe idea here is to take arguments off of a stack, run a command, and proceed down the ...
36113,27157,499Build2SpecAny automated testing should save you effort. Use the work you did writing your specs ...
37116,21978,154RSpec-StepsI don't like Cucumber. I don't need plain text stories. My clients either read cod...
38118,79557,499FileSetFileSet provides an API for accessing configuration and data files for your applicati...
39119,16057,499xing-dev-assetsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
40119,54678,154rake-rubygemsTasks for gemcutter, including gemcutter-push
41122,41678,154orichalcumReadline is a really useful library for textual user interfaces. Unfortunately, the Rub...
42126,83978,154rack-bug-speedtracerRack-bug SpeedTracer panel for server side debugging
43126,86978,154rspec-cleverbacktraceThe default backtrace handling for rspec is ... okay. It would be nice if you could ...
44129,85978,154two-stepI don't like Cucumber. I don't need plain text stories. My clients either read code...
45130,90178,154twiddler-utilsSome tools for working with config files for the Twiddler2 chording keyboard. If you...
46134,47778,154word-bloomGuesses the natural language of a text sample based on bloom filter matches of words in...
47144,53445,714edictSimple configurable tasks to make things do other things as a rule.
48152,79878,154lrd-pivotal-trackerRuby wrapper for Pivotal Tracker API, no frameworks required. Simply Ruby.