Subelsky's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,7667,235hyperclientHyperclient is a Ruby Hypermedia API client.
26,6847,160random_dataRandom data generator
39,8567,627dimMinimalistic dependency injection framework keeps all of your object setup code in one ...
417,97614,008subelsky_power_toolsThis is a collection of Ruby extensions and utilities I've been carting around from pro...
533,55985,863graphiteRuby client for sending stats to Graphite
637,34713,734staq-activerecord-postgresql-citextcitext support for rails (STAQ version)
740,52942,915broadcast_calendarLibrary tht returns the beginning and ending Gregorian (civil) dates for months in the ...
866,97085,863simple_resqueProvides a simpler interface to enqueue Resque jobs between codebases without having to...
968,60585,863sidekiq-pg_helpersHelper code for using Sidekiq with Postgres. Extracted from our production code.
10121,10185,863simple_loggerIncluding this module equips your object with class- and instance-level references to a...
11123,57285,863queue_fetcherEncapsulates design decisions about how to namespace SQS queues with environment-specif...
12125,27585,863simple_query_toolIncluding this module gives you a light wrapper for ActiveRecord and some useful behavi...
13125,40785,863subelsky_enhancementsVarious Ruby patches and enhancements I carry from project to project