Splattael's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1352,558rufoFast and unobtrusive Ruby code formatter
24,0284,128minitest-aroundAlternative for setup/teardown dance.
34,5397,346libnotifyRuby bindings for libnotify using FFI
415,03317,333boundImplements a nice helper for fast boundary definitions
521,10212,502neo-railsSome Rails helpers
623,76561,367rubyfox-serverSmartFox Server bundled as a gem
727,66116,044nested_configSimple, static, nested config
828,43861,367riot_notifierSimple notifier for riot
928,87929,456simple_assertionsA collection of useful assertions.
1029,12161,367registrar-railsRails Engine to integrate Registrar
1129,15561,367rubyfox-sfsobjectMap SFSObject into Ruby Hash
1230,25016,044onDynamic callbacks with Ruby blocks.
1331,46415,549neo-dciSimple DCI
1432,31561,367hotchCallstack and memory profiler
1533,32161,367registrarRegistrar standardizes Authentication Responses through Rack Middleware and works well ...
1642,89361,367storeRepository Pattern and Data-Mapper Pattern
1742,91741,086rubyfox-clientRuby bindings for SmartFox's client.
1847,96761,367shoutcast_apiSimple API for shoutcast.com
1948,38761,367hashidatordefine schemas as a hash, and validate hashes!
2049,53661,367tagfilesProvides the tagfile helper for Rails
2151,80861,367redmine-neopoly_styleCustom style overrides for Redmine
2252,39321,627minitest-libnotifyDisplay graphical notfications when testing with minitest.
2353,39061,367rohbauProvides a set of patterns used in Domain Driven Design
2453,60161,367testemOften used aliases for MiniTest::Spec.
2554,17961,367valuedateValidates values.
2657,78341,086facebook_canvasRails engine for Facebook's canvas integration.
2758,67461,367retryable_recordRetries an operation on an ActiveRecord until no StaleObjectError is being raised.
2861,01761,367unschemaSplits your current schema.rb into per-table migrations. Think of it as >rebase< ...
2963,76161,367structrParse plain text to Ruby classes.
3070,24061,367view_modelRails compatible view models
3170,24561,367view_model-railsRails engine providing view models
3272,17961,367rumlRuby mailing list software
3375,95961,367hash_filterSimple hash filter
3478,45561,367css_dryer[Deprecated] The first CSS pre-processor for Rails 2.3
3579,45961,367rom-csvCSV support for Ruby Object Mapper
3686,25161,367universal_identifiableMake your model uniq and identifiable through a readable name.
3793,43661,367email_vision-neopolyRuby SOAP Api Client for EmailVision / CampaignCommander
3894,91861,367callCallback-Trigger-Pingpong for clean DCI implementation.
3999,69761,367redmine-more_view_hooksAllows adding more view hooks into Redmine's templates
40115,95161,367redmine-http_basic_authenticationUse HTTP Basic Authentication for login and IMPLICIT registration!
41116,26461,367active_templateAllows you to render templates from any source besides the filesystem
42117,11261,367redmine-per_user_statusAllows users to set a custom status which will be displayed next to their names when ch...
44118,91061,367geminabox_commandProvides the "gem inabox" command for geminabox server.
45119,77461,367redmine-user_wiki_macroAdds a {{user(login_name)}} macro to Redmine's wiki engine
46120,31961,367redmine-roadmap_extended_issuesAdds more fields to the issues in Redmine's roadmap
47123,74141,086meta_code_commenterComments your meta code
48126,59561,367redis_recordOne line summary of your gem
49128,11741,086moneta-splattaelA unified interface to key/value stores (modified version!)
50135,75761,367ascii_tableCreate ascii table from command line
51141,03541,086phpmyadmin-backupBackup SQL dumps via phpmyadmin
52154,33361,367redmine-project_custom_styleAllows additional CSS / JS styling via a special wiki page
53154,42461,367redmine-custom_startpageAllows the user to select almost any Redmine page as the initial start page after login
54154,69961,367redmine-personal_wiki_pageAdds a link to a personal wiki page to Redmine's header
55154,81761,367redmine-project_overview_pageUses special wiki pages as the projects start page and it's sidebar
56168,40761,367gitlab-client-cacheStore fetched responses locally.
57174,28841,086neo-activerecord-jdbc-adapterAR-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component designed to be used wit...