1 | 5,312 | 16,361 | kindlerb | Kindle eperiodical generator |
2 | 5,492 | 18,351 | vmail | Manage your email with Vim |
3 | 9,463 | 31,663 | soywiki | A personal and collaborative wiki for Vim users |
4 | 13,144 | 42,025 | vnews | Read your feeds in Vim |
5 | 13,366 | 53,556 | vitunes | Control iTunes with Vim |
6 | 16,811 | 86,038 | goog | Simple command line interface to Google search |
7 | 17,587 | 86,038 | fredit | Edit the front end of Rails apps through the browser. |
8 | 17,623 | 42,025 | rb_nav | Browse Ruby documentation in Vim |
9 | 19,436 | 86,038 | feed_yamlizer | Converts feeds to YAML and converts entries to plain text |
10 | 19,581 | 53,556 | todo.rb | ed-like todo list manager |
11 | 23,717 | 86,038 | twail | tail your Twitter timelines, or search Twitter |
12 | 24,069 | 86,038 | poddb_client | Podcast aggregation from the command line |
13 | 27,640 | 53,556 | boston-ruby | Track BostonRB group and member activity |
14 | 30,820 | 42,025 | fastreader | A light and fast terminal-based feed reader. |
15 | 31,646 | 86,038 | gitfinger | Finger GitHub users |
16 | 32,470 | 21,532 | hulu-automuter | Auto-mute Hulu commericials |
17 | 34,104 | 24,968 | virb | A Vim shell for irb and rails console |
18 | 34,597 | 86,038 | boston-stitch | Stitch together all the pages of a Boston.com gallery |
19 | 39,662 | 24,968 | kindle-feeds | Format Atom and RSS feeds for the Kindle. |
20 | 42,187 | 86,038 | startbrick | rails s wrapper |
21 | 45,529 | 86,038 | any2html | Open textfiles formatted in various markup syntax in browser |
22 | 46,534 | 86,038 | twim | tail your Twitter timeslines |
23 | 51,161 | 86,038 | docrails_kindle | Read Rails Guides on your Kindle |
24 | 51,267 | 86,038 | ask_stack | Post questions to StackOverflow from the unix command line |
25 | 61,757 | 86,038 | firelinks | Mirror Firefox in elinks |
26 | 62,714 | 31,663 | itunes-rm-dups | This ruby gem allows a OS X Leopard user to remove duplicate tracks from her iTunes lib... |
27 | 66,795 | 28,793 | guestlistapp | Stitch together all the attendees of a guestlistapp.com event |
28 | 75,872 | 35,920 | itunes-command | Search, queue, and play iTunes tracks from the command line. |
29 | 92,058 | 86,038 | feedbase | A feed aggregator database |
30 | 94,526 | 86,038 | simplepass | simplepass is a lightweight, secure password database with a simple command-line interf... |
31 | 130,493 | 53,556 | lastfm-cli | lastfm-cli lets users choose radio stations, play songs, skip songs, "love" t... |
32 | 130,729 | 86,038 | open_events | An open-source repository of events listings web scrapers and tools |