1 | 2,971 | 3,395 | rack-canonical-host | Rack middleware for defining a canonical host name. |
2 | 7,805 | 19,470 | remockable | A collection of RSpec matchers for web apps. |
3 | 17,189 | 42,025 | relax | A flexible library for creating web service consumers. |
4 | 21,807 | 86,038 | remit | An API for using the Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS). |
5 | 31,310 | 20,749 | formulate | Rails form builder with flexible markup and styles. |
6 | 37,990 | 28,793 | coercion | An ActiveRecord plugin to strip whitespace from strings and coerce empty strings to nil... |
7 | 39,952 | 86,038 | brewery_db | A Ruby library for using the BreweryDB API. |
8 | 43,971 | 86,038 | sports_direct | An interface library for the Sports Direct web service. |
9 | 62,783 | 86,038 | gauges-rails | An engine to add Gauges tracking code to Rails apps. |
10 | 63,999 | 31,663 | hightail | Bootstraps a pretty looking Rails app in a jiff. |
11 | 65,049 | 31,663 | vivid_seats | An interface library for the Vivid Seats web service. |
12 | 72,204 | 53,556 | relief | An XML to hash Ruby parser DSL. |
13 | 95,758 | 86,038 | pew_pew | A Ruby client library for using the Mailgun web service. |
14 | 98,103 | 86,038 | adapt | An interface library for the PayPal Adaptive Payments service. |
15 | 109,970 | 86,038 | open_mailer | An Action Mailer delivery method that opens emails locally. |
16 | 120,391 | 86,038 | carrierwave-ripple | Ripple support for CarrierWave |
17 | 120,694 | 86,038 | event_inventory | An interface library for the Event Inventory web service. |
18 | 124,920 | 86,038 | fake_gem_push | Stubs out the gem push command for doing simulating pushes. |
19 | 127,609 | 86,038 | represent | DRY, SEO-friendly Rails Views |
20 | 128,400 | 53,556 | ticket_network | An interface library for the Ticket Network web service. |
21 | 152,775 | 86,038 | rely | A small library for simplifying dependency injection. |