Matiaskorhonen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,02285,430monitRetrieve server information from Monit.
221,15439,727radix62Convert base 10 integers to base 62 strings (or base 62 strings to base 10 integers).
327,81423,518wolSend Wake-On-LAN magic packets from Ruby or from CLI
431,66345,155nordeaA Money.gem compatible currency exchange rate implementation for Nordea Bank
532,29817,733unpwnKeeps passwords from being easily hackable.
638,00185,430redclothcoderayAdds CodeRay syntax highlighting support to RedCloth, with a ‘source’ tag.
743,12985,430s3itch_clientSend files to s3itch from the command line
8103,38445,155vpn-configGenerate signed and unsigned iOS/OS X configuration profiles for VPNs