Drbrain's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1158rakeRake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified i...
240396rubygems-updateA package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality that can be invok...
39019raccRacc is a LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby ...
4215259rdocRDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the ...
5245260net-http-persistentManages persistent connections using Net::HTTP including a thread pool for connecting t...
6680840macaddrcross platform mac address determination for ruby
7716842uuidUUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122 (http://w...
81,0331,436mechanizeThe Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize autom...
91,0491,432net-http-digest_authAn implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication. At this time the gem doe...
101,9192,637memcache-clientA Ruby library for accessing memcached.
112,5433,370net-http-pipelineAn HTTP/1.1 pipelining implementation atop Net::HTTP. A pipelined connection sends mul...
124,4274,846cursesA Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses. curses is an extension library for te...
134,6999,963SyslogLoggerSyslogLogger is a Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a ...
146,9308,042ParseTreeParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse tree for an entir...
157,55214,192ruby-growlA pure-ruby growl notifier for UDP and GNTP growl protocols. ruby-growl allows you to ...
167,59715,317dnssdDNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby. Implements browsing, resolving...
178,43927,598ar_mailerar_mailer is a two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailer. Even delivering email to the...
189,66518,285rc-restRobot Co-op REST web services base class. This library makes it easy to implement REST-...
1910,09222,754rdoc-dataCore ri data for use with RDoc 2.5 or newer. This gem is required to use ri from RDoc ...
2010,54924,456isolateIsolate is a very simple RubyGems sandbox. It provides a way to express and automatical...
2110,60618,879google-geocodeMap addresses to latitude and longitude with Google's Geocoder.
2210,92840,310vladVlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...
2310,93813,455pngPNG is an almost-pure-ruby PNG library. It lets you write a PNG without any C libraries.
2410,97818,285hoe-gitA set of Hoe plugins for tighter Git integration. Provides tasks to automate release ta...
2511,73615,530mogilefs-clientA MogileFS client library for Ruby. MogileFS is an open source distributed filesystem,...
2613,71524,456hoe-seattlerbHoe plugins providing tasks used by seattle.rb including minitest, perforce, and email ...
2715,17421,477hoe-travishoe-travis is a Hoe plugin that allows your gem to gain maximum benefit from http://tra...
2815,56940,310openglAn OpenGL wrapper for Ruby. opengl contains bindings for OpenGL. Be sure to check out ...
2916,34410,005heckleHeckle is unit test sadism(tm) at it's core. Heckle is a mutation tester. It modifies y...
3018,07021,477ruby-openglOpenGL Interface for Ruby
3118,10340,310sourcesThis package provides download sources for remote gem installation
3225,42627,598meme_generatorGenerate meme images using http://memegenerator.net! Save yourself some time!
3325,69040,310gmail_contactsSimple Gmail contacts extraction using GData. gmail_contacts development was sponsored...
3428,53340,310cached_modelCachedModel caches simple (by id) finds in memcached reducing the amount of work the da...
3528,73240,310rdoc-tagsA TAGS file generator that builds both vim and emacs style tags files. Vim tags are bas...
3633,84827,598imap_processorIMAPProcessor is a client for processing messages on an IMAP server. It provides some ...
3734,26740,310RingyDingyRingyDingy is a little boat that keeps your DRb service afloat! RingyDingy automaticall...
3836,62440,310production_log_analyzerproduction_log_analyzer lets you find out which actions on a Rails site are slowing you...
3938,74740,310yahooThis library makes it easy to implement Yahoo's web services APIs.
4042,49640,310smtp_tlsProvides SMTP STARTTLS support for Ruby 1.8.6 (built-in for 1.8.7+). Simply require 's...
4144,68140,310rdoc_chmA Microsoft Compiled HTML Help generator for {RDoc}[http://rdoc.rubyforge.org/].
4245,12540,310rails_analyzer_toolsRails Analyzer Tools contains Bench, a simple web page benchmarker, Crawler, a tool for...
4347,00040,310rubyosaRubyOSA is a bridge that connects Ruby to the Apple Event Manager, automatically popula...
4452,64727,598ruby2cruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works. NOTE ! NOTE ! NO...
4554,00340,310yahoo-geocodeAn interface to Yahoo's Geocoder service.
4655,98140,310IMAPCleanseIMAPCleanse removes old, read, unflagged messages from your IMAP mailboxes so you don't...
4756,53427,598marshal-structureTools to inspect and analyze Ruby's Marshal serialization format. Supports the Marshal...
4858,30840,310miniunitmini/test is a completely minimial drop-in replacement for ruby's test/unit. This is me...
4958,36840,310yahoo-searchAn interface to Yahoo's Search services.
5058,41340,310miltonMilton fills out your ADP ezLaborManager timesheet
5164,34540,310UPnPAn implementation of the UPnP protocol
5264,61727,598geocoder-usMap addresses to latitude and longitude using geocoder.us
5364,75727,598action_profilerA profiler for Rails controllers
5468,22627,598imap_to_rssIMAPToRSS turns messages on an IMAP server into RSS entries when the match a handler. ...
5572,98427,598RubyToCruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works.
5682,97240,310mem_cache_fragment_storeMemCacheFragmentStore correctly handles errors and reuses the CACHE object rather than ...
5786,43127,598ZenHacksThis package is not supported in the same sense that my other packages are, but since i...
5886,66240,310rdoc-f95RDocF95 is an improved RDoc for generation of documents of Fortran 90/95 programs. Di...
5986,70640,310metacarta-geoparserMap addresses to latitude and longitude with MetaCarta's GeoParser API.
6087,08340,310rdoc-rakeRDoc plugin for documenting rake tasks
6187,99940,310launchlaunch is a wrapper for liblaunch which lets you load, unload, reload, submit, remove, ...
6289,40440,310SphincterSphincter uses Dmytro Shteflyuk's sphinx Ruby API and automatic configuration to make t...
6391,85040,310sydparseA standalone ruby parser with sexp support.
6498,01440,310return_bangreturn_bang implements non-local exits for methods. As a bonus, you also get exception...
66106,46540,310net-mdnsDNS-SD and mDNS implementation for ruby
67107,11927,598bluetoothA bluetooth library for ruby
68108,76340,310bftsBFTS is a branch of rubicon with the intent of auditing all of rubicon against the late...
69109,06140,310pasteboardPasteboard wraps the OS X system pasteboard. Pasteboard allows you to add and retrieve...
70112,50840,310quick_certquick_cert allows you to quickly and easily create SSL certificates. It uses a simple ...
71113,44340,310strace_meA wrapper around strace(1) that allows you to perform targetted tracing of a block. st...
72114,10440,310fancy_requirePerform fancy requiring by adding a custom object to the load path. This allows you to...
73114,36840,310att-swiftA wrapper for OpenStack Object Storage v1 (aka Swift). Swift provides redundant storag...
74114,74240,310webrick-high-performanceA high-performance WEBrick server that takes advantage of sendfile(2) and fork(2) to se...
75114,94240,310rdoc_html_templatesUnmaintained templates for RDoc's HTML generator.
76115,03140,310socket_sendfileAn library that adds the sendfile(2) system call to Socket. Only known to work on Free...
77115,31740,310firebrigade_apihttp://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/firebrigade_api == DESCRIPTION An API wrapper for http...
78115,42840,310socket_accept_filterA library that makes setting the SO_ACCEPTFILTER socket option easy. Only known to wor...
79116,69940,310curses-padcurses-pad adds newpad() support as Curses::Pad to the ruby curses extension. Curses::P...
80118,27440,310UPnP-MediaServerA UPnP MediaServer. Currently a work in progress. Only tested on a PlayStation 3.
81118,59940,310SuperCallerSuperCaller adds a beefed-up version of Kernel#caller and a beefed up version of Except...
82118,62540,310sql_dep_graphGraphs table dependencies based on usage from SQL logs
83118,73840,310gem-tldrAre your gems taking up too much disk space? Documentation got you down? Comments stuc...
84119,07240,310UPnP-IGDA UPnP extension for Internet Gateway Devices
85119,30940,310UPnP-ConnectionManagerStub implementation for a UPnP ConnectionManager service. Currently has no implementat...
86119,57140,310UPnP-ContentDirectoryA UPnP ContentDirectory service with some DLNA extensions. Currently this is a work in...
87119,80440,310mem_inspectmem_inspect walks Ruby's heaps giving you the contents of each slot. mem_inspect also ...
88119,89527,598cappCapp is a packet capture library that wraps libpcap. Capp provides a simple API for ca...
89120,29940,310rubygems-isit19Lets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on 1.9. Uses http://i...
90120,43540,310RailsRemoteControlRails Remote Control allows you to attach to running Rails processes using DRb and chan...
91121,22240,310rbayesAn bayesian filter fed by a tokenizer that throws crap out you'd find in emails. Origi...
92121,44240,310orca_cardDumps information about your ORCA card. ORCA cards are Western Washington's all-in-one...
93123,78140,310onebusawayUnofficial Ruby library for interacting with the OneBusAway API. See http://code.google...
94124,73940,310rdoc-perl_podA parser for Perl's POD documentation format. Allows Perl and Ruby documentation to be...
95126,32640,310drbdumpdrbdump is a tcpdump-like tool for the dRuby protocol. It allows you to inspect the me...
96129,89940,310rdoc-spellcheckrdoc-spellcheck checks your documentation for spelling errors. File, class, and method...