1 | 10 | 5 | rake | Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are
specified i... |
2 | 47 | 229 | rubygems-update | A package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality
that can be invok... |
3 | 84 | 15 | racc | Racc is an LALR(1) parser generator.
It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby... |
4 | 210 | 155 | rdoc | RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects.
RDoc includes the ... |
5 | 245 | 227 | net-http-persistent | Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP including a thread pool for
connecting t... |
6 | 691 | 992 | macaddr | cross platform mac address determination for ruby |
7 | 730 | 1,034 | uuid | UUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122
(http://w... |
8 | 1,048 | 1,383 | mechanize | The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites.
Mechanize autom... |
9 | 1,071 | 1,402 | net-http-digest_auth | An implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication. At this time
the gem doe... |
10 | 1,978 | 3,201 | memcache-client | A Ruby library for accessing memcached. |
11 | 2,601 | 3,652 | net-http-pipeline | An HTTP/1.1 pipelining implementation atop Net::HTTP. A pipelined connection
sends mul... |
12 | 4,486 | 5,600 | curses | A Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses. curses is an extension library for te... |
13 | 4,813 | 11,292 | SyslogLogger | SyslogLogger is a Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost
drop-in with a ... |
14 | 7,072 | 10,470 | ParseTree | ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entir... |
15 | 7,857 | 13,972 | ruby-growl | A pure-ruby growl notifier for UDP and GNTP growl protocols. ruby-growl
allows you to ... |
16 | 7,914 | 11,593 | dnssd | DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby. Implements browsing,
resolving... |
17 | 8,652 | 25,447 | ar_mailer | ar_mailer is a two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailer. Even delivering
email to the... |
18 | 9,928 | 21,265 | rc-rest | Robot Co-op REST web services base class. This library makes it easy to
implement REST-... |
19 | 10,353 | 40,597 | rdoc-data | Core ri data for use with RDoc 2.5 or newer. This gem is required to use ri
from RDoc ... |
20 | 10,779 | 35,376 | isolate | Isolate is a very simple RubyGems sandbox. It provides a way to
express and automatical... |
21 | 10,874 | 21,265 | google-geocode | Map addresses to latitude and longitude with Google's Geocoder. |
22 | 11,067 | 10,093 | png | PNG is an almost-pure-ruby PNG library. It lets you write a PNG
without any C libraries. |
23 | 11,170 | 19,930 | vlad | Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation,
without mercy. Much l... |
24 | 11,233 | 23,000 | hoe-git | A set of Hoe plugins for tighter Git integration. Provides tasks to
automate release ta... |
25 | 11,942 | 13,697 | mogilefs-client | A MogileFS client library for Ruby. MogileFS is an open source
distributed filesystem,... |
26 | 14,034 | 35,376 | hoe-seattlerb | Hoe plugins providing tasks used by seattle.rb including minitest,
perforce, and email ... |
27 | 15,484 | 48,759 | hoe-travis | hoe-travis is a Hoe plugin that allows your gem to gain maximum benefit from
http://tra... |
28 | 15,836 | 25,447 | opengl | An OpenGL wrapper for Ruby. opengl contains bindings for OpenGL.
Be sure to check out
... |
29 | 16,513 | 22,077 | heckle | Heckle is unit test sadism(tm) at it's core. Heckle is a mutation tester. It modifies y... |
30 | 18,367 | 48,759 | ruby-opengl | OpenGL Interface for Ruby |
31 | 18,484 | 48,759 | sources | This package provides download sources for remote gem installation |
32 | 25,819 | 65,653 | meme_generator | Generate meme images using http://memegenerator.net! Save yourself some time! |
33 | 26,063 | 19,930 | gmail_contacts | Simple Gmail contacts extraction using GData.
gmail_contacts development was sponsored... |
34 | 28,864 | 21,265 | cached_model | CachedModel caches simple (by id) finds in memcached reducing the amount of work the da... |
35 | 29,158 | 48,759 | rdoc-tags | A TAGS file generator that builds both vim and emacs style tags files. Vim
tags are bas... |
36 | 34,219 | 65,653 | imap_processor | IMAPProcessor is a client for processing messages on an IMAP server. It
provides some ... |
37 | 34,550 | 48,759 | RingyDingy | RingyDingy is a little boat that keeps your DRb service afloat!
RingyDingy automaticall... |
38 | 37,152 | 108,042 | production_log_analyzer | production_log_analyzer lets you find out which actions on a Rails
site are slowing you... |
39 | 39,365 | 108,042 | yahoo | This library makes it easy to implement Yahoo's web services APIs. |
40 | 43,036 | 108,042 | smtp_tls | Provides SMTP STARTTLS support for Ruby 1.8.6 (built-in for 1.8.7+). Simply
require 's... |
41 | 44,887 | 65,653 | rdoc_chm | A Microsoft Compiled HTML Help generator for {RDoc}[http://rdoc.rubyforge.org/]. |
42 | 45,727 | 108,042 | rails_analyzer_tools | Rails Analyzer Tools contains Bench, a simple web page benchmarker, Crawler, a tool for... |
43 | 47,484 | 65,653 | rubyosa | RubyOSA is a bridge that connects Ruby to the Apple Event Manager, automatically popula... |
44 | 52,840 | 48,759 | ruby2c | ruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works.
NOTE ! NOTE ! NO... |
45 | 54,591 | 108,042 | yahoo-geocode | An interface to Yahoo's Geocoder service. |
46 | 55,973 | 108,042 | IMAPCleanse | IMAPCleanse removes old, read, unflagged messages from your IMAP mailboxes so you don't... |
47 | 57,085 | 65,653 | marshal-structure | Tools to inspect and analyze Ruby's Marshal serialization format. Supports
the Marshal... |
48 | 58,865 | 108,042 | miniunit | mini/test is a completely minimial drop-in replacement for ruby's test/unit. This is me... |
49 | 58,948 | 108,042 | yahoo-search | An interface to Yahoo's Search services. |
50 | 58,971 | 65,653 | milton | Milton fills out your ADP ezLaborManager timesheet |
51 | 64,693 | 65,653 | UPnP | An implementation of the UPnP protocol |
52 | 65,208 | 40,597 | geocoder-us | Map addresses to latitude and longitude using geocoder.us |
53 | 65,538 | 108,042 | action_profiler | A profiler for Rails controllers |
54 | 68,709 | 108,042 | imap_to_rss | IMAPToRSS turns messages on an IMAP server into RSS entries when the match a
handler. ... |
55 | 72,998 | 65,653 | RubyToC | ruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works. |
56 | 83,733 | 108,042 | mem_cache_fragment_store | MemCacheFragmentStore correctly handles errors and reuses the CACHE object rather than ... |
57 | 86,744 | 65,653 | ZenHacks | This package is not supported in the same sense that my other packages are, but since i... |
58 | 86,874 | 65,653 | rdoc-f95 | RDocF95 is an improved RDoc for generation of documents of Fortran 90/95 programs. Di... |
59 | 87,385 | 108,042 | metacarta-geoparser | Map addresses to latitude and longitude with MetaCarta's GeoParser API. |
60 | 87,783 | 108,042 | rdoc-rake | RDoc plugin for documenting rake tasks |
61 | 88,688 | 108,042 | launch | launch is a wrapper for liblaunch which lets you load, unload, reload, submit, remove, ... |
62 | 89,300 | 108,042 | Sphincter | Sphincter uses Dmytro Shteflyuk's sphinx Ruby API and automatic configuration to make t... |
63 | 92,481 | 108,042 | sydparse | A standalone ruby parser with sexp support. |
64 | 98,570 | 108,042 | return_bang | return_bang implements non-local exits for methods. As a bonus, you also get
exception... |
65 | 106,421 | 48,759 | bluetooth | A bluetooth library for ruby |
66 | 106,610 | 108,042 | autorequire | autorequire |
67 | 106,814 | 65,653 | net-mdns | DNS-SD and mDNS implementation for ruby |
68 | 109,273 | 108,042 | bfts | BFTS is a branch of rubicon with the intent of auditing all of rubicon against the late... |
69 | 109,727 | 108,042 | pasteboard | Pasteboard wraps the OS X system pasteboard. Pasteboard allows you to add
and retrieve... |
70 | 113,323 | 108,042 | quick_cert | quick_cert allows you to quickly and easily create SSL certificates. It uses
a simple ... |
71 | 113,565 | 108,042 | att-swift | A wrapper for OpenStack Object Storage v1 (aka Swift). Swift provides
redundant storag... |
72 | 114,045 | 108,042 | strace_me | A wrapper around strace(1) that allows you to perform targetted tracing of a
block. st... |
73 | 114,085 | 65,653 | fancy_require | Perform fancy requiring by adding a custom object to the load path. This
allows you to... |
74 | 115,131 | 108,042 | rdoc_html_templates | Unmaintained templates for RDoc's HTML generator. |
75 | 115,529 | 108,042 | webrick-high-performance | A high-performance WEBrick server that takes advantage of sendfile(2) and fork(2) to se... |
76 | 115,765 | 108,042 | socket_sendfile | An library that adds the sendfile(2) system call to Socket. Only known to work on Free... |
77 | 115,901 | 65,653 | firebrigade_api | http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/firebrigade_api == DESCRIPTION An API wrapper for http... |
78 | 116,200 | 65,653 | socket_accept_filter | A library that makes setting the SO_ACCEPTFILTER socket option easy. Only known to wor... |
79 | 116,381 | 108,042 | curses-pad | curses-pad adds newpad() support as Curses::Pad to the ruby curses extension.
Curses::P... |
80 | 118,001 | 65,653 | SuperCaller | SuperCaller adds a beefed-up version of Kernel#caller and a beefed up version of Except... |
81 | 118,589 | 65,653 | gem-tldr | Are your gems taking up too much disk space? Documentation got you down?
Comments stuc... |
82 | 118,602 | 108,042 | UPnP-MediaServer | A UPnP MediaServer. Currently a work in progress. Only tested on a PlayStation 3. |
83 | 119,158 | 108,042 | UPnP-IGD | A UPnP extension for Internet Gateway Devices |
84 | 119,301 | 108,042 | sql_dep_graph | Graphs table dependencies based on usage from SQL logs |
85 | 119,517 | 108,042 | capp | Capp is a packet capture library that wraps libpcap. Capp provides a simple
API for ca... |
86 | 120,021 | 108,042 | UPnP-ConnectionManager | Stub implementation for a UPnP ConnectionManager service. Currently has no implementat... |
87 | 120,244 | 108,042 | UPnP-ContentDirectory | A UPnP ContentDirectory service with some DLNA extensions. Currently this is a work in... |
88 | 120,379 | 108,042 | mem_inspect | mem_inspect walks Ruby's heaps giving you the contents of each slot. mem_inspect also ... |
89 | 120,734 | 108,042 | rubygems-isit19 | Lets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on 1.9. Uses
http://i... |
90 | 121,178 | 108,042 | RailsRemoteControl | Rails Remote Control allows you to attach to running Rails processes using DRb and chan... |
91 | 121,901 | 108,042 | rbayes | An bayesian filter fed by a tokenizer that throws crap out you'd find in emails. Origi... |
92 | 122,038 | 65,653 | orca_card | Dumps information about your ORCA card. ORCA cards are Western Washington's
all-in-one... |
93 | 124,356 | 108,042 | onebusaway | Unofficial Ruby library for interacting with the OneBusAway API. See http://code.google... |
94 | 125,216 | 108,042 | rdoc-perl_pod | A parser for Perl's POD documentation format. Allows Perl and Ruby
documentation to be... |
95 | 125,653 | 65,653 | drbdump | drbdump is a tcpdump-like tool for the dRuby protocol. It allows you to
inspect the me... |
96 | 130,481 | 108,042 | rdoc-spellcheck | rdoc-spellcheck checks your documentation for spelling errors. File, class,
and method... |