1 | 4,907 | 4,088 | cli-format | Format cli output in different ways: tab, table, csv, json, etc |
2 | 5,076 | 4,498 | aws_data | AWS info like region and account id |
3 | 5,238 | 3,776 | puma-cloudwatch | Puma plugin sends puma stats to CloudWatch |
4 | 5,531 | 4,160 | render_me_pretty | Render ERB template and provide more useful message pointing out the line with the erro... |
5 | 5,595 | 4,453 | terraspace | Terraspace: The Terraspace Framework |
6 | 5,952 | 4,467 | dsl_evaluator | DSL evaluation library. It produces a human-friendly backtrace error |
7 | 6,077 | 4,487 | rspec-terraspace | Terraspace RSpec support |
8 | 6,149 | 6,724 | jets | Jets is a Serverless Deployment Service. Jets makes it easy to deploy and run your app ... |
9 | 6,254 | 7,005 | cfn-status | CloudFormation status library |
10 | 6,328 | 4,550 | terraspace_plugin_aws | Terraspace AWS Plugin |
11 | 6,406 | 4,557 | s3-secure | S3 Bucket security hardening tool |
12 | 6,457 | 5,317 | hcl_parser | HCL Variables Parser |
13 | 6,576 | 5,333 | terraspace-bundler | Bundles terraform modules |
14 | 7,610 | 6,944 | aws-mfa-secure | Adds MFA Support to AWS CLI and Ruby SDKs for normal IAM user |
15 | 8,597 | 14,050 | ufo | AWS ECS Deploy Tool |
16 | 8,957 | 17,250 | lono | The CloudFormation Framework |
17 | 9,096 | 7,114 | cfn_camelizer | Cfn Camelizer |
18 | 9,186 | 18,696 | cli_markdown | Generate markdown docs from cli docs |
19 | 9,431 | 5,546 | zip_folder | Zip folder up |
20 | 9,458 | 7,233 | cfn_response | CfnResponse makes it easier to build and send the CloudFormation Custom Resource response |
21 | 9,828 | 7,681 | jets-html-sanitizer | HTML sanitization for Jets applications |
22 | 10,633 | 7,704 | serverlessgems | Client Library works with Serverless Gems API for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework |
23 | 10,638 | 9,065 | terraspace_plugin_azurerm | Terraspace Azurerm Cloud Plugin |
24 | 10,901 | 8,850 | azure_info | Azure info: Simple library to get current subscription, resource group, and location, etc |
25 | 11,538 | 9,831 | dynomite | ActiveRecord-ish DynamoDB ORM |
26 | 11,793 | 10,558 | aws-logs | Tail AWS CloudWatch Logs |
27 | 11,864 | 14,233 | active_wrapper | Wraps ActiveRecord and Logger for use in non-Rails environments |
28 | 12,121 | 36,705 | gantree | cli tool for automating docker deploys to elastic beanstalk |
29 | 12,343 | 11,181 | terraspace_plugin_google | Terraspace Google Cloud Plugin |
30 | 12,929 | 11,263 | gcp_data | Simple module to get current gcp data project and region |
31 | 13,502 | 19,964 | require | Manage your project's dependencies with a pretty DSL |
32 | 14,005 | 8,946 | armrest | Ruby Azure REST API Library |
33 | 16,675 | 12,135 | cfnresponse | CloudFormation send_response helper for custom resource |
34 | 17,368 | 16,865 | also_migrate | Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once. |
35 | 18,680 | 57,843 | kubes | Kubernetes Deployment Tool: build docker image, compile Kubernetes YAML files, and appl... |
36 | 18,898 | 30,494 | cody | Cody provides a beautiful DSL to create and manage AWS CodeBuild projects |
37 | 19,722 | 57,843 | jets-gems | Library manages pre-compiled Lambda Gems for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework |
38 | 20,418 | 36,705 | rna | Rna is a simple DSL for generating node.json files required by chef-solo. |
39 | 21,380 | 36,705 | aws-ec2 | Simple tool to create AWS ec2 instances consistently with pre-configured settings |
40 | 21,464 | 57,843 | jack-eb | Wrapper tool to manage AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments |
41 | 21,720 | 36,705 | mover | Move ActiveRecord records across tables like it ain't no thang |
42 | 23,199 | 57,843 | chap | chef + capistrano = chap: deploy your app with either chef or capistrano |
43 | 23,307 | 27,184 | capistrano-benchmark | Benchchmark cpaistrano-tasks like whoa |
44 | 27,566 | 36,705 | aws-rds | Simple tool to create AWS RDS db instances consistently with pre-configured settings |
45 | 27,679 | 10,129 | terraspace_ci_github | Terraspace CI GitHub support |
46 | 31,426 | 30,494 | pipedream | A beautiful and powerful DSL to create and manage AWS CodePipeline pipelines |
47 | 31,935 | 57,843 | jetpacker | Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Jets |
48 | 32,572 | 36,705 | sonic-screwdriver | Multi-functional tool to manage AWS infrastructure |
49 | 33,012 | 57,843 | ey_info | Ey Info - Easy way to setup ssh keys for ey cloud servers and also to dynamically pull ... |
50 | 34,063 | 57,843 | lono-cfn | Wrapper cfn tool to quickly create CloudFormation stacks from lono templates and params... |
51 | 34,148 | 57,843 | thor_template | Generates starter cli tool project. |
52 | 34,452 | 13,744 | rollbar-jets | Rollbar exception report support for Jets |
53 | 35,355 | 57,843 | cloud_info | cloud_info summary |
54 | 35,505 | 22,963 | guard-lono | Guard::Lono automatically builds cloud formation templates from lono erb templates. |
55 | 35,556 | 22,963 | guard-cloudformation | Guard::Cloudformation automatically validates cloud formation templates. |
56 | 38,218 | 57,843 | br_api_fantasy | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
57 | 39,567 | 57,843 | codebuild | CodeBuild DSL Tool to Quickly Create CodeBuild Project |
58 | 40,405 | 57,843 | forger | Create EC2 Instances with preconfigured settings |
59 | 42,349 | 57,843 | lono-pro | Lono Pro Addon |
60 | 42,796 | 12,583 | terraspace_ci_azure | Terraspace CI Azure support |
61 | 44,453 | 36,705 | kubes_google | Kubes Google Helpers Library |
62 | 45,606 | 10,960 | terraspace_vcs_github | Terraspace VCS GitHub support |
63 | 45,920 | 57,843 | lono-params | Tool to generate a CloudFormation parameters json formatted file |
64 | 47,888 | 57,843 | rbackup | Backup your stuff with Ruby and Rsync |
65 | 48,367 | 57,843 | with_pid | The simple way to create and monitor a Ruby daemon |
66 | 48,581 | 18,162 | terraspace_ci_gitlab | Terraspace CI GitLab support |
67 | 50,790 | 57,843 | cli-template | Generate a CLI tool quickly |
68 | 51,209 | 57,843 | sentry-jets | Sentry exception report support for Jets |
69 | 51,372 | 57,843 | elb | Tool to gracefully restart app servers without affecting users |
70 | 51,565 | 57,843 | schema_transformer | Way is alter database schemas on large tables with little downtime. |
71 | 53,163 | 36,705 | aws-inventory | Tool to inventory AWS account |
72 | 53,185 | 22,963 | airbrake-jets | Airbrake exception report support for Jets |
73 | 54,632 | 18,162 | terraspace_vcs_gitlab | Terraspace VCS GitLab support |
74 | 56,356 | 57,843 | codepipeline | CodePipeline DSL Tool to Quickly Create CodePipeline Pipeline |
75 | 61,328 | 57,843 | dynamodb_model | ActiveRecord-ish Dynamodb Model |
76 | 62,197 | 36,705 | baker | A simple way to run chef recipes |
77 | 67,024 | 57,843 | guard-rna | Guard::Rna automatically builds node.json files. |
78 | 68,264 | 12,308 | jets-rails | Jets Rails Support |
79 | 68,908 | 36,705 | basic-auth | Basic Auth Rack Middleware that supports htpasswd files |
80 | 69,174 | 57,843 | kubes_aws | Kubes AWS Helpers Library |
81 | 76,744 | 57,843 | text_injector | Text Injector: injects text to a file |
82 | 79,889 | 36,705 | brbackup | brbackup summary |
83 | 81,906 | 30,494 | jets-api | Jets API Client Library for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework |
84 | 84,803 | 57,843 | thor-vcr | Provides a way inject vcr in front of any thor cli task |
85 | 85,702 | 57,843 | ecs-solo | Deploy Docker image from ECS service to current instance |
86 | 88,589 | 30,494 | jets-git | Gathers git information for Jets. |
87 | 88,819 | 36,705 | aws-rotate | Easy way to rotate all your AWS keys in your ~/.aws/credentials |
88 | 92,822 | 57,843 | executer | A daemon that executes commands given to it |
89 | 93,419 | 36,705 | jekyll-sort | Updates the nav_order in front matter of pages that are in the subnav links |
90 | 94,758 | 36,705 | honeybadger-jets | Honeybadger exception reporting support for Jets |
91 | 95,673 | 57,843 | hash_squeezer | Squeeze hash and removes nil and empty arrays values |
92 | 95,786 | 57,843 | ec2_name | Quick way to tag the name of the instance so that it shows up on aws console. |
93 | 98,583 | 57,843 | heroku-config | Heroku Config AWS Access Key Rotator |
94 | 98,656 | 57,843 | lam | Test |
95 | 113,892 | 57,843 | br-nanite | self assembling fabric of ruby daemons |
96 | 115,638 | 57,843 | print_ruby_info | Silly command to print out ruby info for debugging ruby env |
97 | 122,562 | 12,489 | importmap | Importmap Library and CLI |
98 | 123,404 | 30,494 | s3-antivirus | Detects if files uploaded to s3 contain a virus with ClamAV and auto-deletes or tags them |
99 | 123,948 | 36,705 | bluegreen | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
100 | 127,011 | 36,705 | aws-clean | AWS clean tool |
101 | 128,584 | 36,705 | balancer | Balancer tool |
102 | 128,934 | 57,843 | google-ssl-cert | Google SSL Cert Tool |
103 | 135,422 | 57,843 | hono | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
104 | 135,768 | 57,843 | terraspace_ci_bitbucket | Terraspace CI Bitbucket support |
105 | 142,115 | 36,705 | webpacker-jets | Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Jets |
106 | 142,305 | 57,843 | lambdagem | Gems downloader |
107 | 142,968 | 57,843 | gem_source | Quick way to switch between gems locally and github in your Gemfile |
108 | 146,650 | 57,843 | docksync | Rsync files from your macosx machine to the docker container |
109 | 157,822 | 57,843 | slim-jets | Slim Jets integration. |
110 | 158,030 | 57,843 | boltops | BoltOps Tool |
111 | 158,751 | 57,843 | codedeploy | Tool |
112 | 159,901 | 30,494 | libcurl | Tells serverlessgems to build the gem package with libcurl shared libraries for AWS Lambda |
113 | 160,553 | 57,843 | freeze | freeze |
114 | 160,857 | 57,843 | bolts-ssh | A collection of tools commands to debug EC2 and ECS quickly |
115 | 160,915 | 14,588 | aws_lambda_ric_jets | The AWS Lambda Ruby Runtime Interface Client implements the Lambda programming model fo... |
116 | 161,115 | 36,705 | aws-rsync | Tool rsyncs local files to AWS EC2 instance for a faster development flow |
117 | 164,516 | 57,843 | serverless | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
118 | 166,486 | 57,843 | lamb | Lambda tool |
119 | 166,578 | 57,843 | eks | eks tool |
120 | 166,991 | 57,843 | cfn-hup | cfn-hup configset: configures and ensures cfn-hup is running |
121 | 167,910 | 57,843 | configset | configset tool |
122 | 168,207 | 36,705 | laka | Laka tool |
123 | 169,935 | 57,843 | importmap-jets | Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Jets without transpiling or bundl... |
124 | 170,505 | 57,843 | cfn | Tool |
125 | 171,280 | 57,843 | gemlayer | Layer |
126 | 171,347 | 57,843 | lambdagems | Tool |
127 | 171,599 | 57,843 | jets-afterburner | Afterburner |
128 | 171,654 | 57,843 | lambdalayer | Layer |
129 | 171,695 | 57,843 | jet-pack | Jet pack |
130 | 171,805 | 57,843 | jets-pack | Jets pack |
131 | 172,200 | 57,843 | gcp | Tool |
132 | 172,996 | 57,843 | hcl_variables | HCL Variables Parser |
133 | 173,258 | 57,843 | sprockets-jets | Sprockets Jets Integration |
134 | 174,012 | 57,843 | spacecop | Spacecop |
135 | 174,423 | 57,843 | kingsman | Authentication solution for Jets with Warden |
136 | 174,581 | 57,843 | kubes_azure | Kubes Azure Helpers Library |
137 | 174,691 | 57,843 | terraspace_ci_circleci | Terraspace CI CircleCI support |
138 | 174,941 | 57,843 | terraspace_provider_aws | Terraspace Provider |
139 | 175,200 | 57,843 | starship | Terraspace Provider |
140 | 175,691 | 57,843 | terraspace_plugin_azure | Terraspace Azure Plugin |
141 | 175,776 | 57,843 | terraspace_plugin_azurestack | Terraspace Azurestack Plugin |
142 | 175,791 | 57,843 | terraspace_plugin_azuread | Terraspace Azuread Plugin |
143 | 176,617 | 57,843 | terraform-bundler | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
144 | 176,634 | 57,843 | terraspace_plugin_oraclepaas | Terraspace Provider |
145 | 176,650 | 57,843 | terraspace_plugin_oci | Terraspace Provider |
146 | 176,679 | 57,843 | terraspace_plugin_alicloud | Terraspace Provider |
147 | 176,683 | 57,843 | terraspace_plugin_opc | Terraspace Provider |
148 | 176,702 | 57,843 | terraforce | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
149 | 176,707 | 57,843 | rspec-lono | Lono RSpec support |
150 | 176,798 | 57,843 | spaceforce | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
151 | 177,086 | 57,843 | terraspace_ci_codebuild | Terraspace CI AWS CodeBuild support |
152 | 177,427 | 57,843 | jets-responders | A set of Jets responders to dry up your application |
153 | 178,729 | 57,843 | kaminari-jets | Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist... |
154 | 178,931 | 57,843 | jets-upgrade | Jets Upgrade Tool |
155 | 179,344 | 57,843 | terraspace_vcs_bitbucket | Terraspace VCS Bitbucket support |
156 | 179,975 | 57,843 | terraspace_vcs_azure | Terraspace VCS Azure support |
157 | 180,285 | 57,843 | jets-sinatra | Jets Sinatra Support |
158 | 180,564 | 57,843 | glb | Google Load Balanacer Tool |
159 | 180,901 | 57,843 | kaminari-jets-core | kaminari-core includes pagination logic independent from ORMs and view libraries |
160 | 182,009 | 57,843 | omniauth-jets_csrf_protection | Provides CSRF protection on OmniAuth request endpoint on Jets application. |
161 | 182,294 | 57,843 | jets-pro | Client Library works with Jets Pro API for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework |
162 | 183,223 | 36,705 | jets-hanami | Jets Hanami Support |