Tung's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,9074,088cli-formatFormat cli output in different ways: tab, table, csv, json, etc
25,0764,498aws_dataAWS info like region and account id
35,2383,776puma-cloudwatchPuma plugin sends puma stats to CloudWatch
45,5314,160render_me_prettyRender ERB template and provide more useful message pointing out the line with the erro...
55,5954,453terraspaceTerraspace: The Terraspace Framework
65,9524,467dsl_evaluatorDSL evaluation library. It produces a human-friendly backtrace error
76,0774,487rspec-terraspaceTerraspace RSpec support
86,1496,724jetsJets is a Serverless Deployment Service. Jets makes it easy to deploy and run your app ...
96,2547,005cfn-statusCloudFormation status library
106,3284,550terraspace_plugin_awsTerraspace AWS Plugin
116,4064,557s3-secureS3 Bucket security hardening tool
126,4575,317hcl_parserHCL Variables Parser
136,5765,333terraspace-bundlerBundles terraform modules
147,6106,944aws-mfa-secureAdds MFA Support to AWS CLI and Ruby SDKs for normal IAM user
158,59714,050ufoAWS ECS Deploy Tool
168,95717,250lonoThe CloudFormation Framework
179,0967,114cfn_camelizerCfn Camelizer
189,18618,696cli_markdownGenerate markdown docs from cli docs
199,4315,546zip_folderZip folder up
209,4587,233cfn_responseCfnResponse makes it easier to build and send the CloudFormation Custom Resource response
219,8287,681jets-html-sanitizerHTML sanitization for Jets applications
2210,6337,704serverlessgemsClient Library works with Serverless Gems API for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework
2310,6389,065terraspace_plugin_azurermTerraspace Azurerm Cloud Plugin
2410,9018,850azure_infoAzure info: Simple library to get current subscription, resource group, and location, etc
2511,5389,831dynomiteActiveRecord-ish DynamoDB ORM
2611,79310,558aws-logsTail AWS CloudWatch Logs
2711,86414,233active_wrapperWraps ActiveRecord and Logger for use in non-Rails environments
2812,12136,705gantreecli tool for automating docker deploys to elastic beanstalk
2912,34311,181terraspace_plugin_googleTerraspace Google Cloud Plugin
3012,92911,263gcp_dataSimple module to get current gcp data project and region
3113,50219,964requireManage your project's dependencies with a pretty DSL
3214,0058,946armrestRuby Azure REST API Library
3316,67512,135cfnresponseCloudFormation send_response helper for custom resource
3417,36816,865also_migrateMigrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.
3518,68057,843kubesKubernetes Deployment Tool: build docker image, compile Kubernetes YAML files, and appl...
3618,89830,494codyCody provides a beautiful DSL to create and manage AWS CodeBuild projects
3719,72257,843jets-gemsLibrary manages pre-compiled Lambda Gems for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework
3820,41836,705rnaRna is a simple DSL for generating node.json files required by chef-solo.
3921,38036,705aws-ec2Simple tool to create AWS ec2 instances consistently with pre-configured settings
4021,46457,843jack-ebWrapper tool to manage AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments
4121,72036,705moverMove ActiveRecord records across tables like it ain't no thang
4223,19957,843chapchef + capistrano = chap: deploy your app with either chef or capistrano
4323,30727,184capistrano-benchmarkBenchchmark cpaistrano-tasks like whoa
4427,56636,705aws-rdsSimple tool to create AWS RDS db instances consistently with pre-configured settings
4527,67910,129terraspace_ci_githubTerraspace CI GitHub support
4631,42630,494pipedreamA beautiful and powerful DSL to create and manage AWS CodePipeline pipelines
4731,93557,843jetpackerUse webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Jets
4832,57236,705sonic-screwdriverMulti-functional tool to manage AWS infrastructure
4933,01257,843ey_infoEy Info - Easy way to setup ssh keys for ey cloud servers and also to dynamically pull ...
5034,06357,843lono-cfnWrapper cfn tool to quickly create CloudFormation stacks from lono templates and params...
5134,14857,843thor_templateGenerates starter cli tool project.
5234,45213,744rollbar-jetsRollbar exception report support for Jets
5335,35557,843cloud_infocloud_info summary
5435,50522,963guard-lonoGuard::Lono automatically builds cloud formation templates from lono erb templates.
5535,55622,963guard-cloudformationGuard::Cloudformation automatically validates cloud formation templates.
5638,21857,843br_api_fantasyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
5739,56757,843codebuildCodeBuild DSL Tool to Quickly Create CodeBuild Project
5840,40557,843forgerCreate EC2 Instances with preconfigured settings
5942,34957,843lono-proLono Pro Addon
6042,79612,583terraspace_ci_azureTerraspace CI Azure support
6144,45336,705kubes_googleKubes Google Helpers Library
6245,60610,960terraspace_vcs_githubTerraspace VCS GitHub support
6345,92057,843lono-paramsTool to generate a CloudFormation parameters json formatted file
6447,88857,843rbackupBackup your stuff with Ruby and Rsync
6548,36757,843with_pidThe simple way to create and monitor a Ruby daemon
6648,58118,162terraspace_ci_gitlabTerraspace CI GitLab support
6750,79057,843cli-templateGenerate a CLI tool quickly
6851,20957,843sentry-jetsSentry exception report support for Jets
6951,37257,843elbTool to gracefully restart app servers without affecting users
7051,56557,843schema_transformerWay is alter database schemas on large tables with little downtime.
7153,16336,705aws-inventoryTool to inventory AWS account
7253,18522,963airbrake-jetsAirbrake exception report support for Jets
7354,63218,162terraspace_vcs_gitlabTerraspace VCS GitLab support
7456,35657,843codepipelineCodePipeline DSL Tool to Quickly Create CodePipeline Pipeline
7561,32857,843dynamodb_modelActiveRecord-ish Dynamodb Model
7662,19736,705bakerA simple way to run chef recipes
7767,02457,843guard-rnaGuard::Rna automatically builds node.json files.
7868,26412,308jets-railsJets Rails Support
7968,90836,705basic-authBasic Auth Rack Middleware that supports htpasswd files
8069,17457,843kubes_awsKubes AWS Helpers Library
8176,74457,843text_injectorText Injector: injects text to a file
8279,88936,705brbackupbrbackup summary
8381,90630,494jets-apiJets API Client Library for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework
8484,80357,843thor-vcrProvides a way inject vcr in front of any thor cli task
8585,70257,843ecs-soloDeploy Docker image from ECS service to current instance
8688,58930,494jets-gitGathers git information for Jets.
8788,81936,705aws-rotateEasy way to rotate all your AWS keys in your ~/.aws/credentials
8892,82257,843executerA daemon that executes commands given to it
8993,41936,705jekyll-sortUpdates the nav_order in front matter of pages that are in the subnav links
9094,75836,705honeybadger-jetsHoneybadger exception reporting support for Jets
9195,67357,843hash_squeezerSqueeze hash and removes nil and empty arrays values
9295,78657,843ec2_nameQuick way to tag the name of the instance so that it shows up on aws console.
9398,58357,843heroku-configHeroku Config AWS Access Key Rotator
95113,89257,843br-naniteself assembling fabric of ruby daemons
96115,63857,843print_ruby_infoSilly command to print out ruby info for debugging ruby env
97122,56212,489importmapImportmap Library and CLI
98123,40430,494s3-antivirusDetects if files uploaded to s3 contain a virus with ClamAV and auto-deletes or tags them
99123,94836,705bluegreenThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
100127,01136,705aws-cleanAWS clean tool
101128,58436,705balancerBalancer tool
102128,93457,843google-ssl-certGoogle SSL Cert Tool
103135,42257,843honoThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
104135,76857,843terraspace_ci_bitbucketTerraspace CI Bitbucket support
105142,11536,705webpacker-jetsUse webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Jets
106142,30557,843lambdagemGems downloader
107142,96857,843gem_sourceQuick way to switch between gems locally and github in your Gemfile
108146,65057,843docksyncRsync files from your macosx machine to the docker container
109157,82257,843slim-jetsSlim Jets integration.
110158,03057,843boltopsBoltOps Tool
112159,90130,494libcurlTells serverlessgems to build the gem package with libcurl shared libraries for AWS Lambda
114160,85757,843bolts-sshA collection of tools commands to debug EC2 and ECS quickly
115160,91514,588aws_lambda_ric_jetsThe AWS Lambda Ruby Runtime Interface Client implements the Lambda programming model fo...
116161,11536,705aws-rsyncTool rsyncs local files to AWS EC2 instance for a faster development flow
117164,51657,843serverlessThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
118166,48657,843lambLambda tool
119166,57857,843ekseks tool
120166,99157,843cfn-hupcfn-hup configset: configures and ensures cfn-hup is running
121167,91057,843configsetconfigset tool
122168,20736,705lakaLaka tool
123169,93557,843importmap-jetsUse ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Jets without transpiling or bundl...
129171,69557,843jet-packJet pack
130171,80557,843jets-packJets pack
132172,99657,843hcl_variablesHCL Variables Parser
133173,25857,843sprockets-jetsSprockets Jets Integration
135174,42357,843kingsmanAuthentication solution for Jets with Warden
136174,58157,843kubes_azureKubes Azure Helpers Library
137174,69157,843terraspace_ci_circleciTerraspace CI CircleCI support
138174,94157,843terraspace_provider_awsTerraspace Provider
139175,20057,843starshipTerraspace Provider
140175,69157,843terraspace_plugin_azureTerraspace Azure Plugin
141175,77657,843terraspace_plugin_azurestackTerraspace Azurestack Plugin
142175,79157,843terraspace_plugin_azureadTerraspace Azuread Plugin
143176,61757,843terraform-bundlerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
144176,63457,843terraspace_plugin_oraclepaasTerraspace Provider
145176,65057,843terraspace_plugin_ociTerraspace Provider
146176,67957,843terraspace_plugin_alicloudTerraspace Provider
147176,68357,843terraspace_plugin_opcTerraspace Provider
148176,70257,843terraforceThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
149176,70757,843rspec-lonoLono RSpec support
150176,79857,843spaceforceThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
151177,08657,843terraspace_ci_codebuildTerraspace CI AWS CodeBuild support
152177,42757,843jets-respondersA set of Jets responders to dry up your application
153178,72957,843kaminari-jetsKaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...
154178,93157,843jets-upgradeJets Upgrade Tool
155179,34457,843terraspace_vcs_bitbucketTerraspace VCS Bitbucket support
156179,97557,843terraspace_vcs_azureTerraspace VCS Azure support
157180,28557,843jets-sinatraJets Sinatra Support
158180,56457,843glbGoogle Load Balanacer Tool
159180,90157,843kaminari-jets-corekaminari-core includes pagination logic independent from ORMs and view libraries
160182,00957,843omniauth-jets_csrf_protectionProvides CSRF protection on OmniAuth request endpoint on Jets application.
161182,29457,843jets-proClient Library works with Jets Pro API for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework
162183,22336,705jets-hanamiJets Hanami Support