#2413's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,5307,572fast_trieRuby Trie based on libdatrie.
217,43330,732pauperInspired by Vagrant but much much simpler. Also uses LXC, instead of Virtualbox.
317,56657,505bitsetA fast C-based Bitset. It supports the standard set operations as well as operations yo...
429,11030,732bumDemonstrates some principles of distributed systems
532,79430,732distributed_demoDemo for my talk at the Scottish Ruby Conference: Distributed Systems with Rack.
636,57457,505binary_searchBinary search and index methods for Ruby Arrays.
7113,38557,505bktreebktree in c with ruby bindings
8124,58057,505uppercutA DSL for writing agents and notifiers for Jabber.
9146,95957,505jlogRuby C-extension for JLog