Coderdan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4671,853composite_primary_keysComposite key support for ActiveRecord
216,68763,432svutilA simple managed process builder for Ruby projects
319,34163,432nfagentLogging Agent for NetFox Online
424,52532,567active_stashThis gem wraps stash.rb so that you can use CipherStash to add searchable encryption to...
548,62463,432versioned_recordVersion ActiveRecord models using composite primary keys
657,50363,432squiggleLog line parser
761,29263,432ey-provisionerRuby based client gem for interacting with the EngineYard Instance Provisioning API
866,33263,432launch_controlEnsure that emails delivered to Mandrill meet a specified contract.
984,81963,432activerecord-bq-adapterBasic Implementation of an ActiveRecord Adapter for Google's Big Query. Just handles qu...
10103,42863,432settingcrazyAn advanced setting manager for ActiveRecord models
11103,60163,432acts_as_partitionedHandle postgres style partitions in ActiveRecord
12137,47441,916qapiQuery library for various popular APIs.
13138,40530,305qapi-meetupQAPI Provider for
14138,93941,916qapi-githubClient Gem for Github API
15139,13563,432copperRoles, Permissions, User switching
16154,48663,432nfcollectorData collection system for NetFox