Benhamill's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7365,250textacularTextacular exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, extending ActiveR...
216,84761,367texticleTexticle exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, extending ActiveRec...
337,97716,044luggageEasily interact with IMAP servers
438,53125,716rack-federated-authProvides a simple authentication middleware to lock down Rack-based apps
551,68225,716zooplanktonA library for turning Rails routes into URI Templates, like maybe for HAL.
659,61033,893assemblerProvides a DSL for describing required and optional (with defaults) parameters for obje...
760,05861,367skywriterWrites AWS CloudFormation templates.
862,60229,456muddleEmail clients are not web browsers. They render html all funny, to put it politely. In ...
977,26661,367cetaceanThe HAL client that does almost nothing for/to you.
1085,87133,893zoanthidZoanthid is a library that interfaces with Rails and RSpec to help you write expressive...
1195,46941,086twitter_alertCreate messages, assign a time, then DM all Followers of a Twitter account with those m...
12115,91861,367benhamill-gherkinA fast Gherkin lexer/parser based on the Ragel State Machine Compiler.
13129,02761,367twitter_atmA simple command line tool for navigating Twitter's Pin-based OAuth path and outputting...