Coderberry's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,96211,504nsaListen to your Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications and deliver to a Statsd compatible ba...
213,98861,367rmagick-metadataParses an image using RMagick and parses the metadata
353,26561,367acts_as_rateable_by_ipPlugin/gem that provides rating functionality
457,29161,367guard-lesscGuard::Lessc automatically compiles less files to a target file when changes are made
565,77741,086grabz_itRuby interface to the GrabzIt ( service
674,64361,367whoopA simple gem to help you whoop your logs into shape.
777,91061,367fba_fee_calculatorThis gem can be used to calculate FBA fees for Amazon merchants. It should return simil...
892,18161,367facilbookSimple (facil) Facebook helpers that allow for navigation
995,55241,086magick-metadataParses an image using ImageMagick and parses the metadata
10107,56061,367twitter_ltiEmbed a Twitter widget into your LMS with this LTI App.
11121,42461,367clicky_meUse the API to shorten URLs
12133,20416,044phlex_uiPhlexUI is a UI Component Library for Ruby developers. Built on top of the Phlex Framew...
13133,31461,367google_search_apiRuby client for the Google Custom Search API
14133,46433,893pixel_fireRails engine for embedding pixels (similar to Google Tag Manager)
15134,71961,367legacy_infusionsoft_apiRuby client for Legacy XML-RPC Infusionsoft API
16140,97161,367inst_lti_twitterEmbed a Twitter widget into your LMS with this LTI App.
17141,01261,367brainy_zip_scraperSave zip code data to CSV
18141,73661,367fiddle_fartFiddleFart is the parsing tool which takes a URL from any of the following services and...
19145,34961,367structurelyClient for accessing Structurely's API
20172,25429,456organize_gemfileOrganize your Gemfile with annotations
21178,63961,367arel_assistHelpers and shortcuts with Arel
22180,34961,367coderberryTools, generators, and utilities for ruby development