Cmercier's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,5058,331socializationSocialization allows any model to Follow and/or Like any other model. This is accomplis...
211,65112,310nobspwNo Bullshit Password strength checker. Inspired by "Password Rules are Bullshit" by Jef...
318,11142,025diff_dirsRuby helper to diff two directories
429,07126,609sendyrA Ruby interface for the wonderful e-mail newsletter application Sendy.
546,65986,038defensioOfficial Ruby library for Defensio 2.0
656,66431,663ec2_userdataA simple Ruby library that reads UserData on EC2 with graceful fallback when not runnin...
758,66886,038cacheable-csrf-token-railsCacheableCSRFToken allows you to easily cache Ruby on Rails pages or partials containin...
858,92553,556git-p4-syncSubmit changes made to a Git repository into to Perforce
959,00286,038rails-assets-cdnAdd support for single and multiple CDN hosts for the Rails asset pipeline
1061,22011,910sanitizationSanitization makes it easy to store slightly cleaner strings to your database.
1173,90586,038services_baseSimple skeleton for implementing consistent Service Objects and Micro-Services in Ruby
1283,14086,038solargraph-rails-initA simple script that configures Solargraph to work with Rails.
1383,57428,793microbiltSimple library to interface with Microbilt's IBV API
1486,10586,038scope_cache_keyAdd cache_key functionality to scopes
1589,33786,038tplink_smarthome_apiA simple Ruby library to control TP-Link smart plugs
1696,74628,793interactive_brokers_2_tasty_worksInteractive Brokers to Tasty Works trade statement converter
17101,61117,444ultimate_turbo_modalAn easy-to-use, flexible, and powerful Turbo Modal solution for Rails 7+ built with Sti...
18103,66253,556littlecmsSimple Ruby wrapper for LittleCMS and jpegicc
19105,23486,038enumishCreate Enum-like values directly in the database for flexibility, power and supremacy.
20113,75486,038daemonizrProcess forking and monitoring for mere mortals
21114,20635,920koinKoin is a data type to represent cryptocurrency values in Ruby.
22118,81642,025gson_parserSimple GSON parser for Ruby
23124,91186,038canada_paymentThis library allows you to easily create ACH/EFT CPA005 files from Ruby.
24131,40686,038parsley-payment-railsParsley-Payment.js bundled for Rails Asset Pipeline
25136,05786,038coin_trackingA Ruby client for
26147,06386,038android_reviewsAndroid Play Store app reviews scraper for Ruby
27167,79286,038this_person_does_not_existObtain a random image from
28177,35486,038rotessa-rbRuby client library for Rotessa's API