Jsgarvin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,77847,329feedbackerFeedbacker provides a pull out tab on the side of every page on a site for users to sen...
232,91947,329cloud_encrypted_syncEncrypted sync of folder contents to/from cloud storage with user controlled encryption...
342,91974,510cloud_encrypted_sync_s3_adapterPlugin adapter for CloudEncryptedSync gem that provides interface to AmazonS3.
459,69724,241minionizerMinionizer aims to be a light weight server provisioning tool without bloat or steep le...
563,54474,510common_core_parserThe common core standards xml files and pdf docs are provided by the Common Core State ...
665,56927,620paparazziRsync backup library that takes incremental hourly, daily, etc., snapshots.
770,76033,946pdf-labels== DESCRIPTION: Welcome to the PDF-Labels project. Our aim is to make creating labels...
873,25474,510admit_oneRuby lock file manager that is highly resistant, if not outright immune, to race condit...
987,40333,946music_blenderA simple MP3 player written in Ruby. Depends on mpg123.
1097,18374,510update_attribute_with_validationsChanges ActiveRecord's update_attribute (singular) method to behave more intuitively an...
11128,57874,510cloud_encrypted_sync_filesystem_adapterFilesystem adapter plugin for CloudEncryptedSync gem.