1 | 14,463 | 13,614 | raven-transports-fluentd | Send error logs to sentry via fluentd. |
2 | 21,855 | 63,432 | less-rails-bootswatch | less-rails-bootswatch is straightforward Bootswatches integration with Rails, works wel... |
3 | 32,541 | 22,084 | classx | Meta Framework extending and flexible attribute like Moose ( perl ) |
4 | 33,150 | 41,916 | ipaddr_list | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
5 | 36,435 | 15,400 | rack-auth-ip | rack middleware for restrict ip |
6 | 63,430 | 63,432 | embulk-filter-query_string | The query string filter plugin parses the column contents as query string and insert co... |
7 | 66,049 | 30,305 | date_time-smart | wrapper of date_time using date_time-duration |
8 | 66,174 | 18,158 | ruboty-toggle_switch | ruboty-toggle_switch allows you to toggle switch on/off. |
9 | 85,361 | 30,305 | rspec-fixture | Test::Base like DSL for RSpec |
10 | 87,194 | 30,305 | function_importer | restrict importing methods and rename methods when include module. |
11 | 98,610 | 63,432 | foreman-kicker | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
12 | 115,671 | 63,432 | classx-pluggable | make your class to pluggable. |
13 | 116,438 | 63,432 | date_time-duration | Handle datetime duration easy |
14 | 118,586 | 63,432 | as_jsonable | as_jsonable provides a tiny DSL to override as_json. |
15 | 125,341 | 41,916 | rugem | rugem is a wrapper of ruby command that can use gem library with -r option |
16 | 127,690 | 63,432 | grizzly | A fast web server for JRuby on Rails. |
17 | 133,887 | 41,916 | ruote-nats | NATS participant and receivers for ruote |
18 | 142,979 | 41,916 | ruboty-revision | A ruboty-plguin to show the revision deployed. |
19 | 144,986 | 63,432 | embulk-filter-url_encode | The encode filter plugin encodes a column in the URL encoding format. |
20 | 162,180 | 63,432 | bmp2ssd1306 | BMP2SSD1306 is an image converter for SSD1306 OLED. It converts the BMP image into the ... |