1 | 2,811 | 2,010 | resque_mailer | Rails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and Resque. |
2 | 7,130 | 16,068 | datamapper | Faster, Better, Simpler. |
3 | 16,367 | 10,063 | isbn_validation | isbn_validation adds an isbn validation routine to active record models. |
4 | 22,022 | 53,556 | braai | Fully extensible templating system. |
5 | 40,068 | 86,038 | rails_datamapper | Rails Plugin for DataMapper |
6 | 53,655 | 86,038 | bitbank | Easy to use Ruby interface to the Bitcoind JSON-RPC API |
7 | 54,964 | 86,038 | pindah | A tool for writing Android applications in Mirah |
8 | 58,228 | 86,038 | refinerycms-applicants | Ruby on Rails Applicants engine for Refinery CMS |
9 | 74,979 | 86,038 | redis_store_jr | Simple Redis Cache Store for Rails |
10 | 75,995 | 86,038 | protoform | Generates a basic skeleton for a Mirah Android application |
11 | 137,142 | 86,038 | truncate_html_sentence | Truncates html so you don't have to |
12 | 156,808 | 86,038 | serpentor | Automates checking of Search Engine Results for a given set of keywords. |
13 | 164,008 | 86,038 | coin_market | Fetch current market data for top cryptocurrencies using the CoinMarketCap API |