Hakanensari's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,5836,324jeffAn Amazon Web Services client
24,7786,395peddlerAmazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) in Ruby
35,1865,068vacuumA wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API
48,58051,488mongoid_slugMongoid URL slug or permalink generator
59,72712,098structureLazy-parse data into attributes in a thread-safe way
611,00651,488kosherA filter
711,89626,667suckerSucker is a minimal Ruby wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
815,66212,308mws-ordersA Ruby interface to the Amazon MWS Orders API, built on Peddler
918,72623,861fixerA wrapper to the exchange rate feeds of the European Central Bank
1020,74520,172booklandProvides EAN, ISBN, and ASIN classes and validators in Ruby
1121,43113,982throttlerThrottler rate-limits code execution across threads or processes.
1223,39423,861turnpikeA Redis-backed FIFO queue
1423,94051,488fassbinderFassbinder crawls book offers on Amazon.
1537,38551,488google-bookGoogle Book is a Ruby wrapper to the Google Book Search Data API.
1640,14022,190ebay-rubyRuby wrapper to the eBay APIs
1741,41523,861googlebookGoogle Book is a Ruby wrapper to the Google Book Search Data API.
1843,10551,488floor_calculatorCalculate offer floor using dentaku
1945,61232,595barnieA fake API to a well-known bookstore
2054,06823,861cnfFetches stack configuration
2156,40151,488amazon_productAmazon Product is a Ruby wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
2258,57223,861maticMatic adds attribute accessors and dirty tracking to Mongomatic and optionally shortens...
2359,644129,735net-http-localNet::HTTP::Local binds Net::HTTP requests to a local address and ...
2462,37932,595bookdepositoryBookdepository.com API wrapper
2564,14432,595craftBuild page objects in Capybara
2667,28523,861abebooksA Ruby wrapper to the Abebooks SWS API
2768,21151,488aws-urlA minimum-viable URL builder for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
2871,42551,488barnesandnobleA Ruby wrapper for Barnes and Noble Product Web Services
2973,58051,488doubleFamiliar, yet foreign
3082,01451,488bookA book model for consuming various book APIs
3186,84351,488certaintyCertainty provides Boolean, an object that represents truth.
3288,50151,488fingerFinger is a user information lookup program.
3388,99451,488nearfine-catalogsProvides Nearfine catalogs
3494,38532,595powellsPowells.com API wrapper
3596,20651,488multiplexMultiplex lets you bind Net::HTTP requests to non-default local IP addresses.
3698,775129,735pubA Redis-backed pub or processing queue with a non-blocking bar counter
37115,669129,735papercavalier-ruby-aawsRuby/AWS is a Ruby wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
38123,75332,595crackrReally simple XML parsing with Nokogiri.
40128,58632,595bauhausA longer description. Optional.
41129,962129,735productA product
42131,804129,735papercavalier-moneyThis library aids one in handling money and different currencies.
43132,85332,595clicheIt will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine.
45141,51632,595marketplaceAmazon Marketplaces
46145,238129,735rhizomeA longer description. Optional.