Keithpitt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1815,541capybara-inline-screenshotExtends capybara-screenshot with inline image output
24,61617,333ember-railsEmber for Rails 3.1+
311,25010,620terminalConverts ANSI to HTML
415,60061,367buildboxRuby agent for buildbox
532,94816,657mailstroRuby wrapper for
635,10861,367vendorDependency management for iOS and OSX development
7103,95461,367fake_pinA rack-mountable version of the Pin Payments API
9128,00941,086minispade-railsCompile your javascript into minispade modules using the asset pipeline
10141,05861,367simple-compassThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
11149,34641,086lograrApplication logging