1 | 199 | 446 | database_cleaner | Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing. |
2 | 593 | 241 | database_cleaner-active_record | Strategies for cleaning databases using ActiveRecord. Can be used to ensure a clean sta... |
3 | 641 | 249 | database_cleaner-core | Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing. |
4 | 741 | 554 | email_spec | Easily test email in RSpec, Cucumber, and MiniTest |
5 | 1,820 | 1,840 | rubycritic | RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit... |
6 | 2,485 | 1,961 | next_rails | A set of handy tools to upgrade your Rails application and keep it up to date |
7 | 2,900 | 2,464 | database_cleaner-redis | Strategies for cleaning databases using Redis. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ... |
8 | 2,945 | 2,853 | database_cleaner-mongoid | Strategies for cleaning databases using Mongoid. Can be used to ensure a clean state fo... |
9 | 3,809 | 2,987 | database_cleaner-sequel | Strategies for cleaning databases using Sequel. Can be used to ensure a clean state for... |
10 | 3,921 | 7,446 | metric_fu | Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B... |
11 | 4,842 | 3,930 | bundler-leak | bundler-leak provides memory leak verification for Bundled apps. |
12 | 6,874 | 9,841 | database_cleaner-mongo | Strategies for cleaning databases using Mongo. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ... |
13 | 8,410 | 7,246 | rails_stats | Point it to a directory and see stuff about the app |
14 | 13,140 | 6,154 | skunk | Knows how to calculate the SkunkScore for a set of Ruby modules |
15 | 22,388 | 35,920 | topsy | Wrapper for the Topsy API |
16 | 23,605 | 31,663 | mercadopago | This gem allows developers to use the services available in the MercadoPago API (http:/... |
17 | 24,594 | 42,025 | oca-epak | Ruby wrapper for the OCA E-Pak API |
18 | 28,748 | 11,600 | dotenv_validator | Checks required env variables and its format using dotenv and .env.sample files. Sample... |
19 | 47,900 | 16,697 | harvesting | Interact with the Harvest API v2.0 from your Ruby application |
20 | 49,084 | 86,038 | dinero_mail_ipn | Dinero Mail IPN stub |
21 | 54,619 | 53,556 | bitpagos | Ruby wrapper for the Bitpagos payment processing API |
22 | 71,902 | 42,025 | iso3166-2 | ISO3166_2 for the Rubyist |
23 | 74,302 | 86,038 | rubycritic-simplecov | RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit... |
24 | 93,000 | 86,038 | rtopsy | A ruby gem implementation of the Topsy API |
25 | 94,295 | 53,556 | whuffiebank | Ruby wrapper for the Whuffiebank API |
26 | 99,520 | 86,038 | database_cleaner-mongo_mapper | Strategies for cleaning databases using MongoMapper. Can be used to ensure a clean stat... |
27 | 101,092 | 86,038 | database_cleaner-ohm | Strategies for cleaning databases using Ohm. Can be used to ensure a clean state for te... |
28 | 104,103 | 86,038 | database_cleaner-neo4j | Strategies for cleaning databases using Neo4j. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ... |
29 | 112,826 | 86,038 | database_cleaner-moped | Strategies for cleaning databases using Moped. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ... |
30 | 114,545 | 86,038 | database_cleaner-data_mapper | Strategies for cleaning databases using DataMapper. Can be used to ensure a clean state... |
31 | 116,667 | 53,556 | database_cleaner-couch_potato | Strategies for cleaning databases using CouchPotato. Can be used to ensure a clean stat... |
32 | 130,729 | 28,793 | ombu_labs-notifications | Knows how to send a new contact email, new contact Slack notification |
33 | 141,171 | 86,038 | donas | A wrapper to resolv |
34 | 148,482 | 28,793 | ombu_labs-hubspot | Knows how to send a new contact information to Hubspot |
35 | 153,133 | 53,556 | infractores | Track any kind of violations via Twitter with a geolocated tweet |
36 | 169,356 | 86,038 | fastruby-metric_fu | Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B... |
37 | 171,043 | 86,038 | ombu_labs-shortener | Knows how to shorten links associated with OmbuLabs and FastRuby.io. |
38 | 175,841 | 86,038 | ombu_labs-auth | Helps us authenticate teammates using GitHub Oauth and Devise |