Jordansissel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1743667arr-pmThis library allows to you to read and write rpm packages. Written in pure ruby because...
28801,860fpmConvert directories, rpms, python eggs, rubygems, and more to rpms, debs, solaris packa...
31,0141,457logstash-eventLibrary that contains the classes required to create LogStash events
41,3701,903studsmall reusable bits of code I'm tired of writing over and over. A library form of my so...
51,4361,923cabinThis is an experiment to try and make logging more flexible and more consumable. Plain ...
61,5071,875insistA simple block-driven assertion library for both testing and for production code
82,1332,996logstash-input-httpThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
92,3563,443eventmachine-tailAdd file 'tail' implemented with EventMachine. Also includes a 'glob watch' class for w...
102,3952,774jls-grokGrok ruby bindings - pattern match/extraction tool
112,5052,885jls-lumberjacklumberjack log transport library
122,5753,055logstash-filter-truncateThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
133,55013,325filewatchWatch files and directories in ruby. Also supports tailing and glob file patterns.
145,2966,252logstash-devutilslogstash-devutils gem is meant to be used as a development dependency from other plugin...
156,17710,890ftwFor The Web. Trying to build a solid and sane API for client and server web stuff. Clie...
166,8368,448floresAdd fuzzing, randomization, and stress to your tests. This library is an explorati...
1711,071138,005O_o! O_o !
1816,53733,828sshkeyauthUse your ssh keys (and your ssh agent) to sign and verify messages
1917,24614,053logstash-litescalable log and event management (search, archive, pipeline)
2128,36233,828fingerpokenfingerpoken - turns your ipad/itouch/iphone into a remote touchpad, keyboard, etc
2232,77323,201minstrelInstrument class methods
2338,64345,223batcaveExperiments in tools, boilerplatery, debugging, etc.
2438,91328,753nagios-manageSilence alerts, aggregate existing checks, etc.
2544,21582,818foslfosl - a ruby api for reading lsof(1) output
2748,66831,655logportersyslog servlet for ruby
2851,23535,446mqrpcRPC mechanism using AMQP as the transport
2957,67855,311eventmachine-vncVNC for EventMachine
3066,25872,146syslog-shipperShip logs from files to a remote syslog server over TCP
3184,75182,818cabin-webWeb interface on cabin
3398,54660,874jls-clampClamp provides an object-model for command-line utilities. It handles parsing of comm...
34102,158138,005vagrant-portvagrant forwarded-port querying plugin
35112,82160,874lita-jlsSome stuff for the bot
36130,73482,818jls-http_parser.rbRuby bindings to and
37138,57682,818jls-tweetstreamTweetStream is a simple wrapper for consuming the Twitter Streaming API.
38139,67782,818logstash-libgem containing logstash code mainly for the purposes of doing programmatic validation o...