1 | 6,997 | 4,103 | bech32 | The implementation of Bech32 encoder and decoder. |
2 | 14,386 | 30,494 | openassets-ruby | The implementation of the Open Assets Protocol for Ruby. |
3 | 18,167 | 10,012 | bitcoinrb | The implementation of Bitcoin Protocol for Ruby. |
4 | 18,427 | 36,705 | bitcoin2graphdb | A tool for import Bitcoin blockchain data into neo4j database. |
5 | 28,618 | 27,184 | glueby | A Ruby library of smart contracts that can be used on Tapyrus. |
6 | 31,513 | 9,870 | bip-schnorr | The ruby implementation of bip-schnorr. |
7 | 33,433 | 27,184 | tapyrus | The implementation of Tapyrus Protocol for Ruby. |
8 | 41,370 | 9,788 | ecdsa_ext | Extension of the ecdsa gem. |
9 | 77,455 | 20,780 | aez | AEZ binding for ruby. |
10 | 90,493 | 57,843 | electrb | electrs client for Ruby. |
11 | 96,488 | 27,184 | rsa-accumulator | RSA accumulator implementation for Ruby. |
12 | 103,931 | 57,843 | schnorr | The ruby implementation of Schnorr signature. |
13 | 108,904 | 57,843 | hdkey | The implementation of Bitcoin hierarchical deterministic key for Ruby. |
14 | 116,525 | 36,705 | bitcoin-p2p | Bitcoin p2p message repl tool. |
15 | 118,715 | 57,843 | c-lightningrb | A ruby client library for lightningd |
16 | 122,931 | 24,705 | h2c | Ruby implementation of hash to curve. |
17 | 124,654 | 36,705 | bls12-381 | BLS12-381 implementation for Ruby. |
18 | 128,680 | 57,843 | utreexo | The ruby implementation for Utreexo. |
19 | 135,700 | 57,843 | lnd-tool | LND Tool - Ruby tools for LND |
20 | 137,432 | 57,843 | sidetree | Ruby implementation for Sidetree protocol. |
21 | 159,268 | 57,843 | mssmt | Ruby implementation of Merkle Sum Sparse Merkle Tree |
22 | 168,825 | 57,843 | openassets | The implementation of the Open Assets Protocol for Ruby. |
23 | 171,134 | 57,843 | kzg | KZG polynomial commitment library for Ruby. |
24 | 178,483 | 57,843 | frostrb | Ruby implementations of Two-Round Threshold Schnorr Signatures with FROST. |
25 | 179,780 | 57,843 | minisketch | This is a Ruby wrapper for the libminisketch C library. |
26 | 180,695 | 57,843 | codex32 | Ruby implementation of codex32 |
27 | 180,792 | 27,184 | secp256k1rb | Ruby binding for libsecp256k1. |