Dmathieu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2663,298angular-rails-templatesUse your angular templates with rails' asset pipeline
25,9345,970localized_country_selectLocalized "country_select" helper with Rake task for downloading locales from Unicode.o...
39,75223,861monitRetrieve server information from Monit.
416,57732,595bicepsCreate a versioned API with rails
520,50321,034timeline_fuEasily build timelines, much like GitHub's news feed
620,83122,190glynnDeploy a jekyll weblog through ftp
728,86451,488deploy_docusDeploy your application with a POST request
842,00651,488paymeNeed online payment?
945,85126,667jackbTakes some content and parses it depending of the format your specify (HTML or Markdown)
1054,34251,488oaunedRails Engine to be an Oauth Provider
1156,31423,861cylonRack middleware and Rails Engine to avoid indexing your application in staging
1271,68551,488jesusA web interface for god to speak with mankind
1388,93312,098rspec-otelRSpec matchers for the OpenTelemetry framework
1494,82951,488redilineTimeline library
15110,140129,735sidekiq-canarySidekiq canary deployments
16126,821129,735permoidAdd permalinks to your mongoid models
17136,20251,488ember-bootstrap-sourceember-bootstrap source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs.
18176,05222,190smart_configDefine and access static configuration, from a YAML config file, or environment variables