Stevegraham's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5972,517certifiedEnsure net/https uses OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER to verify SSL certificates and provides...
214,36733,893twilio-rbA nice Ruby wrapper for the Twilio REST API
318,94961,367slangerA websocket service compatible with Pusher libraries
456,08761,367glamazonPlain Old Ruby Object (PORO) in memory models. Intended for use in EventMachine server ...
565,72929,456em-rspecTest EventMachine code in RSpec 2
678,04861,367uncleHelpers methods that reflect on your application route set to dynamically infer correct...
7109,44661,367tellerThe official Teller Ruby language bindings/
8117,66041,086mastercardMasterCard API Gem
9124,18261,367default_whitelistProtects all ActiveRecord model attributes from mass assignment by default
10168,30761,367restafarianExpose fully RESTful HTTP APIs including code-on-demand so client can intelligent prese...