Svenfuchs's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
169i18nNew wave Internationalization support for Ruby.
2379341rails-i18nA set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your R...
38642,093dplDpl (dee-pee-ell) is a tool made for continuous deployment, running deployments at Trav...
41,5484,351dpl-scriptdeploy tool abstraction for clients
51,8282,257globalizeRails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.
62,5113,491travisCLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI
72,6505,175ghmulti-layer client for the github api v3
82,7676,041dpl-herokudeploy tool abstraction for clients
92,80012,449dpl-s3deploy tool abstraction for clients
102,9093,072gem-releaseRelease your ruby gems with ease. (What a bold statement for such a tiny plugin ...)
113,1115,313hashrSimple Hash extension to make working with nested hashes (e.g. for configuration) easie...
123,1484,933routing-filterRouting filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...
133,1877,588dpl-pagesdeploy tool abstraction for clients
143,5153,431i18n-active_recordI18n ActiveRecord backend. Allows to store translations in a database using ActiveRecor...
154,15113,712dpl-releasesdeploy tool abstraction for clients
164,4256,903clOptionParser based CLI support for rapid CLI development in an object-oriented context....
174,4362,559regstryAllows registering Ruby classes for lookup using a key.
184,79317,269dpl-elastic_beanstalkdeploy tool abstraction for clients
195,49212,449dpl-code_deploydeploy tool abstraction for clients
205,5487,349safemodeA library for safe evaluation of Ruby code based on RubyParser and Ruby2Ruby. Provides ...
215,95517,638globalize3Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord 3 model/data translation.
226,52119,754dpl-pypideploy tool abstraction for clients
236,70547,366dpl-npmdeploy tool abstraction for clients
246,74339,257dpl-gcsdeploy tool abstraction for clients
257,79447,366dpl-firebasedeploy tool abstraction for clients
268,18466,945dpl-bintraydeploy tool abstraction for clients
278,63447,366dpl-cloud_foundrydeploy tool abstraction for clients
288,75966,945dpl-packageclouddeploy tool abstraction for clients
298,80439,257dpl-gaedeploy tool abstraction for clients
309,13339,257dpl-surgedeploy tool abstraction for clients
319,37447,366dpl-lambdadeploy tool abstraction for clients
339,57147,366dpl-bluemix_cloud_foundrydeploy tool abstraction for clients
349,59647,366dpl-ops_worksdeploy tool abstraction for clients
359,60134,141dpl-azure_webappsdeploy tool abstraction for clients
369,93366,945dpl-cloud_filesdeploy tool abstraction for clients
3710,01447,366dpl-rubygemsdeploy tool abstraction for clients
3810,08766,945dpl-cloud66deploy tool abstraction for clients
3910,25266,945dpl-deisdeploy tool abstraction for clients
4010,29266,945dpl-engine_yarddeploy tool abstraction for clients
4110,33466,945dpl-transifexdeploy tool abstraction for clients
4210,36128,123dpl-scalingodeploy tool abstraction for clients
4310,38547,366dpl-puppet_forgedeploy tool abstraction for clients
4410,38934,141dpl-boxfusedeploy tool abstraction for clients
4510,40166,945dpl-catalyzedeploy tool abstraction for clients
4610,40847,366dpl-launchpaddeploy tool abstraction for clients
4710,41166,945dpl-chef_supermarketdeploy tool abstraction for clients
4810,42139,257dpl-atlasdeploy tool abstraction for clients
4910,42339,257dpl-bitballoondeploy tool abstraction for clients
5010,45139,257dpl-openshiftdeploy tool abstraction for clients
5110,46347,366dpl-anyninesdeploy tool abstraction for clients
5210,47639,257dpl-testfairydeploy tool abstraction for clients
5310,48334,141dpl-hackagedeploy tool abstraction for clients
5413,17439,257i18n-missing_translationsFind missing translations in your code more easily.
5513,30639,257dpl-snapdeploy tool abstraction for clients
5613,56047,366simple_nested_setsimple_nested_set allows to easily handle nested sets in ActiveRecord
5714,10239,257dpl-hephydeploy tool abstraction for clients
5814,24547,366travis-configTravis CI config.
5915,79166,945travis-conditionsBoolean language for conditional builds, stages, jobs
6015,94723,246test_declarativeSimply adds a declarative test method syntax to test/unit.
6116,64312,357ruby-cldrRuby library for exporting and using data from CLDR, see
6216,95534,141minimalMinimal templating engine inspired by Markaby & Erector and targeted at Rails 3.
6317,66066,945dpl-cargodeploy tool abstraction for clients
6418,11266,945sh_varsShell var parser.
6520,07966,945adva-categoriesCategories engine for adva-cms2.
6620,13366,945adva-markupMarkup engine for adva-cms2.
6720,26566,945adva-blogBlog engine for adva-cms2.
6820,26666,945adva-staticStatic engine for adva-cms2.
7022,11266,945adva-coreCore engine for adva-cms2.
7122,38847,366adva-userUser engine for adva-cms2.
7323,55166,945adva-cacheCache engine for adva-cms2.
7535,77166,945locatorGeneric html element locators for integration testing.
7638,06866,945globalize2Rails I18n: de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord data translation
7741,23566,945simple_slugsSimple slugs for ActiveRecord.
7942,16924,646steamSteam is a headless integration testing tool driving HtmlUnit to enable testing JavaScr...
8043,64366,945travis-metricsInstrumentation for Travis CI.
8248,56566,945i18n-toolsTools for Ruby/Rails I18n
8349,30734,141pathname_localSuper-tiny gem that adds Pathname.local(path).
8449,49966,945activesupport-slicesLazy loaded vertical code slices based on ActiveSupport Dependencies.
8652,62766,945todo.txtMy flavor of todo.txt.
8755,27428,123svenfuchs-devise_oauth2_authenticatableImplements OAuth2 for Devise
8855,75166,945kronn-has_many_polymorphsAn ActiveRecord plugin for self-referential and double-sided polymorphic associations.
8956,27566,945middleman-tocMiddleman Table of Contents
9061,03166,945travis-rolloutSmall helper class for rolling out apps.
9170,86466,945micro_migrationsMinimal ActiveRecord standalone migrations.
9583,47666,945activemodel-errorProvides I18n support for validation error messages in ActiveModel. ...
9683,55466,945libratoSimple cli tool for storing and syncing librato spaces..
9783,79866,945travis-lockLocks for use at Travis CI.
9884,57966,945travis-deployA command-line interface to Travis CI
9986,75966,945i18n-messageI18n::Message is an object-oriented abstraction for looking up translations from I18n.t...
10088,48539,257ripper2rubyRipper2Ruby builds an object-oriented representation of Ruby code that you can modify a...
10189,83666,945capture_stdoutAdds Kernel.capture_stdout(&block). Useful e.g. for testing command line tools
10290,05966,945adva-cms2Cutting edge Rails 3 CMS framework.
10390,59366,945travis_migrate_to_appsMigrate your GitHub organizations to use the Travis CI GitHub App integration.
10491,15666,945travis-encryptTravis CI encryption support.
105103,83539,257travis-env_varsParser for environment variables in .travis.yml
106104,86566,945travis-clientRuby client library for Travis CI API v3
107111,88266,945silence_log_tailerSilence rails/server log tailing to console.
108113,03766,945travis-build-stages-demoTravis CI build stages demo gem release.
109121,27147,366rjb-requireAdds the ability to import and map Java packages to nested Ruby modules/classes to RJB....
111124,04566,945travis-ci-em-pusherEventMachine client for
112124,41466,945treetop_cssTreetop CSS grammar/parser.
115142,62366,945ruby-objStruct replacement with argument defaults.